Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

100 Days Smarter

Wednesday, the Preps celebrated 100 days at school. There were lots of walking sticks and grey hair to be seen and staff who aged significantly overnight. It's amazing the number of uses found for walking sticks! A fun celebration for all! 


Helpers Needed

Our playground equipment requires a few repairs. The new parts have arrived, and we are in need of a couple of people who complete the work. Please contact the office, 5382 3000, if you are able to assist. It is a job for 2-3 people and should only take no more than a couple of hours (at a time to suit you).

Head Lice

It's creepy crawly season, and we have had several reported cases of head lice. Please be vigilant by checking your children's hair regularly. Should you find lice or nits pop into one of the local chemists for the appropriate treatment.


Yours respectfully in Christ
