5/6 Area

Brittany Ansons, Samira Abou-Eid, Susan Righele & Monique Jones

Book Week

It was so fantastic to see so many Grade 5/6 Students dressed up for our Book Week dress up day and parade. 

To celebrate Book Week in our classrooms, we completed a book review where we recreated the cover of our favourite book and wrote our thoughts on the book on the inside. There was some great creativity and the students certainly rose to the challenge of duplicating their book cover. 


In Reader's workshop and Writing we have been analysing and writing poetry. Students have analysed the ways poets engage the reader, looked at different kinds of poems and things that poets include in their poems, such as figurative language and sound devices. They then had a go at writing their own poems including these things. We look forward to sharing their poetry books with you in the next newsletter! 

Museum & IMAX Excursion

On Wednesday 6th September,  the Grade 5/6 students will be attending Melbourne Museum and IMAX. We will be participating in the ​​Mini Mega Model, Dinosaur Walk and Melbourne Story Exhibitions, as well as walking through the Forest Gallery and viewing ‘Shackleton’ at IMAX. 

• Buses are leaving at 9:00am

• Children are to be in their school uniform for the excursion. 

• Children will need to bring their recess, lunch and drink (no glass bottles) in a small paper or plastic bag. We will not be taking school bags on the excursion. 


Please see the permission note below if your child has not returned theirs :


We look forward to sharing some photos and information about our incursions and excursion in coming newsletters!