3/4 Area

Monique Herbert, Rachel Foy, Ruth Chamberlain-Hitchins, Andrew Francis, Emily Giliam, Cansu Cerrah, Denise Diamantopoulos, Elizabeth Higham, (not pictured) Sarah Castellas and Nicole Riley

Arrabri Lodge


On Monday, September 28, the 3/4 campers and their teachers left PVNPS to spend the next three days and two nights at Arrabri Lodge in Warburton.


We arrived at our destination around 11.30am and were met by Shaun and Luke, the Arrabri Lodge camp instructors, who showed us around the grounds. We were all super excited as we were able to do our first day activity rotations. The activities we enjoyed were the giant swing, mini golf, team initiatives, archery, ropes course, climbing wall and flying fox. There were plenty of free time activities too!


After a yummy dinner and dessert, on our first night away, Woody from 'Woody's World' sang a few ballads and got us up dancing to some bush dances like the 'Heel and Toe' and 'Cows and Sheep'. We had such a ball! After that we went for a night walk through the sensory trail. It was so much fun looking for the alphabet amongst the trees in the dark with our torches, then we toasted marshmallows by the campfire. Delicious!


Day 2 saw us start the day with a hearty breakfast, before completing our second day of activity rotations.  After eating burgers for lunch out in the sunshine, we trekked down the road to the Yarra River, where we tried our luck panning for gold.  Some students were fortunate enough to snag some "Gagliardi gold!" for their efforts!  We then trekked back to our campsite through some light rain, and spent the rest of the afternoon doing low-key free-time activities. 


After another delicious dinner of lasagne, hot chips and salad, followed by ice cream (vanilla, strawberry or chocolate) in waffle cone, we had the long awaited Trivia Night. We worked in teams of 6, tackling a range of questions about Disney movies, famous landmarks, our teachers and general knowledge. We shared plenty of laughter and cheers with our fellow campers. Once that was done, we were so exhausted, our lights were out by 9.30pm.


On our last day, we woke up to the sound of gentle rain. It was the perfect morning for cereal and scrumptious pancakes. We packed up quickly and loaded our suitcases as soon as the buses arrived. We had one more destination before going back to school - the East Warburton Community Hall to see the Reptile Show. Rita, the presenter from the Black Snake Productions, brought with her many native animals such as the Mary River turtle, an arberial and a carpet pythons, a baby fresh water croc, a couple of frogs, a shingleback lizard, a large non-venomous spider and a couple of nocturnal animals (a barn owl and a bettong). We were blown away by the amazing facts, some gross and yucky. Overall, all these Australian animals we met were EXTRA-ORDINARY!


We had an absolute blast at Arrabri Lodge!