Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia & Ms Natasha McKenna


During Discovery this Term, Grade 2 students have been learning about the First Nations people of Australian. Over the course of the unit, students have explored Aboriginal Culture and artefacts. We were lucky enough to have Julie (2B ESO) to bring in many of her own Aboriginal artefacts to share with the Grade 2s. Here are some pics of her presentation! 

We will be hosting a showcase in the middle of the BER on Wednesday 13th September where parents will be invited to come in and check out our research projects. More info to come! 

Book Week Celebrations

Thanks to all the parents/carers who put in so much effort with Book Week costumes. We had a great time celebrating Literacy throughout the week and it was lovely to finish the week announcing the 2023 Children's Book Week winner and dressing up.