Grade 1 Area

Ms Sarah Cotton, Mrs Amy Gagliardi and Miss Emmily Stenton

Writing Focus: Poetry!

Xander 1B
Ume 1B
Mya 1B
Quin 1B
Khadijah 1B
Rosie 1B
Xavier 1B
Ollie 1B
Jack 1B
Arda 1B
Jessie 1B
Nathan 1B
Gi Gi 1B
Rhys 1B
Zarah 1B
Sumaya 1B
Xander 1B
Ume 1B
Mya 1B
Quin 1B
Khadijah 1B
Rosie 1B
Xavier 1B
Ollie 1B
Jack 1B
Arda 1B
Jessie 1B
Nathan 1B
Gi Gi 1B
Rhys 1B
Zarah 1B
Sumaya 1B

The Grade 1's have been exploring and learning about Poetry!


The students have been learning to visualise a poem in their minds and draw what they can see. They listened to a pirate poem and identified the onset and rime that they could hear. 


The students have been introduced to the language of poetry and are able to talk about what the following words mean:

  • onset and rime
  • line
  • stanza
  • rhyme

They have LOVED learning about poetry!