Community Engagement

Father's Day Stall

A huge thank-you to all the families that donated gifts and  to those who volunteeers their time .   A special shout out to Chris Saxton for co-ordinating and making this year's stall a success.  I'm sure there will be some very happy fathers and 'special persons' Sunday morning.


Thank -you for your generous donations and assistance setting up and selling items on the day:

Rema Rengis, Jo Howard, Nicole Jones, Nicole Koglin, Pey Liao, Simona Erzen & 

Emma Pereira, Marita Kenny, Glenda Demarinis, Jade Freebarn, Alex Richards, Bev Watson, Jacqui Sturgess, Liz Jones, Simone Ersen, Zaf Van Zandebeek, Tania O'Connor & Amanda Cavanough


Sincere apologies if we have missed anyone, we do appreciate all the help.