Wellbeing News

Growing connections for the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

On Friday 18th August 2023, SMDP is participating in the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA).

The NDA is Australia’s key prevention initiative for schools and provides an opportunity to connect with students, staff and our school community to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying.


The 2023 NDA theme, Growing Connections, promotes the importance of school, family and community connections in building safe and supportive learning environments where all students can belong, feel accepted and respected.


Research has shown that strong school connections and positive relationships can help to prevent bullying. When students feel a sense of belonging and connectedness at school, they are more likely to enjoy school, to trust and respect their teachers, and be concerned about and help others (Australian Education Research Organisation 2023).


At SMDP we help grow connections promoting inclusiveness, respect and community belonging for all students. Our Respectful Relationships Education Program supports our students in learning and understanding the importance of respect and inclusion for all.  


This term, students will begin exploring Topic 7 - Gender and Identity. Learning activities within this topic assist students to challenge gender stereotypes and critique the influence of gender norms on attitudes and behaviour. They focus on the importance of respect within relationships. Please look out for further information in your child’s fortnightly overview. 

“Developing young people who respect each other’s fundamental rights is central to our aims as a Catholic education system. Catholic schools utilise a range of programs, including the Respectful Relationships program, to help form appropriate interpersonal behaviours and respectful attitudes among the student cohort, as enshrined in gospel values”. 

(Jim Miles, Executive Director, Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd 2021)



Logo created by Aagam Grade 6 




Kathy Blythe

Student Wellbeing Leader