STEAM Education

Wearable Technology

Fashion Show Workshops 

Over the past few weeks, forty of the Year 3-6s have been participating in wearable technology fashion show workshops. Every Monday a lady from La trobe University called Gabriella along with Abdul, Honey and Puja, also from La trobe University, have been coming in to help us with our designs.  This includes sticking on LED lights using hot glue guns and sewing with conductive thread. 


There will be a fashion show being held in La trobe University in Bundoora at 3:00pm-6:00pm on Sunday the 6th of October.   Many of our students will be modelling their designs.


Big thanks to mums, Marnina Spaulding, Michelle Thomas and Donna Cariss for supporting us in our last workshop. We really appreciate you giving up your time and expertise with us.  Also thanks to Fiona MacKenzie for sponsoring our team with a selection of resources and materials required for our workshops. Your contribution is very much appreciated.


Some of the students have come up with quotes for the wearable technology workshops.


Yr3 Issy Cubelic   “I like it because you can be creative!” 


Yr 4 Pia Roberts  “I really like that we can do it in partners and there was plenty of people to help out!”


Yr 5 Lachie Webb   “It's a great opportunity for everyone!”


Yr 6 Emma Cunningham & Emilie Catalano  “It's a great way to interact with other year levels and to have fun!”


We’re really looking forward to our next workshop with Gabriella and her team!


By Emma Cunningham and Emilie  Catalano (Year 6)

St James STEM Expo 


(Wed 28th - Fri 30th of August)

Wendy Lam (Centorrino Technologies) and Mia building a drone


Lexie year 5 creating an electrical circuit using conductive ink

Year 5 working and learning how to build a drone and make electrical circuits - with Chad DeClase and Meg Hudson (iWorld)

Thumbs up from Noah


iWorld Website (Click link below)


Centorrino Technology (Click link below)

James McMahon

STEM Leader