English News

Jiayang (Ryan) Han and Sally Lim achieve top scores in the ICAS English competition
Each year Nossal High School provides students with the opportunity to participate in the University of New South Wales International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). All participating students receive a certificate and an individual student report, and many Nossal students are awarded Distinction (top 10% of participants) or High Distinction (top 1% of participants) certificates which are celebrated at whole school assemblies.
This year, two of our Year 9 students – Ryan Han and Sally Lim - achieved an even higher award by winning a University of New South Wales (UNSW) Medal for achieving the top score awarded in ICAS English in their year level. They were presented with their medals at a special award ceremony held in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on Saturday 24 November.
Congratulations to all of our participating students this year, particularly those awarded Distinctions and High Distinctions, and of course our two medal winning students.
Sue Lee-Ack
Convenor of Year 9 English
Earlier in 2018, the entire Year 9 cohort alongside a few senior students underwent several ICAS examinations because to be fair, as Year Nines, we’re kind of compelled to. Nevertheless, it was a welcome respite from school work and an opportunity to further adjust to Nossal test conditions, regardless of whether we were present through sheer force or self-willingness — though personally we had been looking forward to the competition.
On receiving an invitation to attend the 2018 ICAS Medal Presentation on the 24 November as recipients of English awards, we were both mildly surprised. Yet the initial astonishment quickly dissipated, replaced with anticipation and excitement: and we certainly weren’t disappointed. Whether it was the animated smiles of fellow students and proud parents, the impressive venue with its amiable staff, or the seemingly endless supply of food and beverages (leaning towards the latter), the whole day was rendered an absolute delight.
In the end it was a rather enjoyable experience and we are honoured to have been invited. The ceremony has made a lasting impression, as has the afternoon tea and the sore hands from clapping.
Sally Lim and Jiayang (Ryan) Han
Year 9