From the Principals' Desk

Dear Parents...
As 2018 draws to an end I wish to sincerely thank all members of the Nossal community for their involvement in, and support of, our school again this year. While the visible core will always be the staff and students who are present onsite each day the “global village” that helps us to raise our young adults is made up of key players like parents, families, peers, friends and a broad range of community members. Nossal is blessed with a strong and supportive community who make an enormous positive contribution in myriad different ways – all of which assist us in achieving success and improving our performance and outcomes. While we have much to celebrate and much to be proud of, we are keen to improve, and seek better ways to do things and different approaches to address issues and challenges. Early in 2019 we will complete the final part of our School Review and set the next Strategic Plan in place to guide us for the next four years. We will be seeking further community input during the Validation and Fieldwork Days where the independent reviewers and critical friends will examine our school data, interview staff, students and parents, and help guide us to set appropriate targets and improvement strategies for the future.
The final six weeks of term four are incredibly hectic with numerous celebratory events, final assessments, reporting, final results, and comprehensive planning for 2019 – all built around exam timetables and special events and activities.
Speech Night 2018
Speech Night moved to the Melbourne Town Hall this year due to the unavailability of our usual venue (Robert Blackwood Hall at Monash in Clayton). While the logistical, transport and parking arrangements added a layer of complexity to the event, the outcome was an exceptionally impressive spectacle in an iconic venue. I was moved to tears by the opening which saw the 200 voice Year 9 choir assembled on stage accompanied by the 60 plus piece orchestra, in front of a full house (we sold out). It was a hugely impactful opening and as always, an outstanding celebration of the Nossal High School experience – of performance, effort and commitment, of achievement and success, of resilience and persistence, of talent and creativity, of improvement and commitment, and most of all, of what it means to be a Nossalonian. I am never prouder, nor more humbled than when I witness what our students have achieved and by extrapolation what they will achieve in the future. I thank everyone involved and in particular Mr Butler and Ms Slywka for their organisation of the event.
The Valedictory Dinner also moved this year due to the additional football draft taking precedence over our booking at Marvel Stadium and we ended up at the Melbourne and Olympic Park Function Centre in what was a much better venue. As always it was a moving and affirming evening where we joined with parents and the Year 12 cohort to celebrate the end of their schooling and to acknowledge and thank them for the contribution they have made during the past 4 years at Nossal. Unfortunately, the venue was not well serviced by carparking requiring a long walk to the parking area, and (as has become the norm of late in Melbourne) the heavens opened just as people were leaving and I’m afraid many beautiful outfits and their occupants were soaked while transiting back to their cars at the end of the evening. A big thank you to Juliea Slywka for her organisation of this evening, although she will need to do better with the weather for next year.
Year 9 End of Year Traditions
The Year 9 cohort undertook two traditional Nossal end of year activities – the Monash University Challenge, and the Terry Bennett Cup.
For the first time the Monash Challenge was held at Monash Clayton and our students enjoyed the experience of working with Monash academics and students in the brand-new Teaching and Learning Building. I strongly recommend a visit – the new education facility is an absolutely stunning precinct on an enormous scale. The spaces are very creative and welcoming, and totally different to any traditional university spaces, enabling much more collaboration and interaction between students and staff and a totally different way of teaching and learning. It highlights significant educational innovation and flags or potentially coerces different pedagogies. The Year 9 group produced some amazingly creative and insightful responses to the “big question” they were posed, and the feedback from the Monash and Nossal staff involved was highly complimentary, both about the students’ demeanour, and the perceptiveness and complexity of their work.
The annual Terry Bennett Cup took place at Suzanne Cory High School this year so Nossal was required to make the long trek to Werribee to participate in a range of fun and challenging “friendly” events and competitions. Traditionally the host school has been victorious and I was determined that things would change this year and Nossal would wrest the Cup from Cory on their home ground.
Alas, this was not to be, as the Cory organisers cleverly arranged for train works between Berwick and Westall and extreme weather conditions resulting in a much depleted Nossal team arriving after a three-hour journey in 38-degree heat. They showed us no mercy but we were gallant in defeat, and will make sure that the 2019 Year 9 Nossal cohort give them an absolute thrashing at Nossal next year.
VCE Results
The 2018 VCE results were released on Friday last week and we were very pleased with the performance of the Class of 2018 who achieved some excellent results. We hosted the traditional morning tea for the Year 12 students who were able to attend and were joined by the local newspaper, the Herald Sun and Channel Nine who were all interested in what our students had to say about their VCE experience and the final results.
Unfortunately, our wise words were considerably truncated when they eventually went to air that evening – overshadowed by the massive rainstorm that hit the city and a sensational curriculum delivery mistake at another school. Most students were very pleased with their results, although some will be unhappy and may have to re-think their planned pathways if they did not achieve the result they were seeking for entry to a particular university course. Although it may feel quite devastating initially, the reality is that there are many other options available to them and much assistance and support available (through the school and the universities) to help them to navigate an appropriate alternative. Indeed, many of the Nossal alumni have moved between courses, taken alternate pathways, or totally changed their direction, often to a much more rewarding or enjoyable outcome. I encourage students who are concerned to contact Clarissa (Nossal Careers Advisor), the VCE or Wellbeing teams for assistance. This support will be available to them long after they have completed Year 12, as they will always be a part of Nossal.
Results Summary
- 52% of the cohort achieved an ATAR over 90
- 15 students achieved an ATAR over 99
- Median ATAR was 90.5
- Average Study Score was 35.3
- 26% of study scores were over 40
- 8 students achieved perfect study scores of 50 (3 of them in Year 11!)
- Highest ATAR (Dux of 2018) Qiao Wen Tee – 99.9
Very impressive results – my thanks to the students, their families and the teachers for their hard work and commitment.
Staffing Changes
We have a number of staffing changes taking place and as of this last week were still interviewing to fill the last of the vacancies.
The following staff members will be departing this year and I sincerely thank them for their contribution to our school and our students....
- Ms Fiona Vanstan (Acting AP) has completed her contract with us and will be returning to her base school. I paid tribute to her at Speech Night for the excellent work she has done this year.
- Mr Chris Bramich (Lab Technician) – returning to a similar role at Monash University where he will end up working in Biomedicine with many Nossal graduates.
- Ms Marion Campagna (Chemistry) – retiring after many years of dedicated service.
- Mr Gareth Campbell (PE/Health/House Leader) – contract is completed – transfer to Hume Central Secondary College.
- Ms Briana Chapple (English) - resigned to move to Queensland after 12 months leave.
- Ms Emma Geyer (English/Leading Teacher) – transfer to John Monash Science School.
- Mr Bernd Kalinna (Science) – contract ended – currently travelling overseas.
- Ms Lucy Kutrolli (PE/Health) – resigned to remain in London after 12 months leave.
- Mr Michael McQuaid (English) – resigned after 12 months leave – living overseas.
- Ms Ildiko Varga – contract completed – moving to Waverley Christian College.
- Mr Andrew Weremijenko (Maths) – 12 months leave.
- Ms Elizabeth Morgan (English) resigned after 12 months leave – teaching in regional Victoria.
- Ms Jane Petty (Education Support) – transfer to East Doncaster Secondary College.
Canteen Changes
Following a re-tendering process the Nossal Canteen Lease has been awarded to another catering company who will take over all canteen services from the start of 2019. They will offer a diverse menu and a wider range of options and some services that have not been previously available to us.
I thank and acknowledge the previous canteen operators (Marlene, Kerrie and Cheryl) who have been with us since our second year and who have been actively involved in the life of the school since then.
Working Bee and PFA Second Hand Book and Uniform Sale
A small but hardworking group of parents joined Mr Butler, Ms Vanstan and myself to complete some groundworks and some much-needed gardening on Saturday 8 December, while the PFA conducted their annual second-hand sale. This was highly successful, generating considerable funds for the school and providing an excellent service for those wanting to buy and those wishing to sell their surplus books and uniforms. Hundreds of people were in attendance and I thank the PFA for their fantastic support and wonderful camaraderie. Many items were donated to them on the day – so if you are seeking items of uniform, or half priced student locks – please visit the PFA uniform shop (in the fitness centre) early next year.
Consuls General Christmas Party
The office of the Speaker of the Victorian Parliament invited Nossal to supply a string ensemble to entertain the 50 or so members of the Consular Corps at their annual Christmas Function at Parliament House last Friday. I had the privilege of accompanying the group and spent a very pleasant few hours meeting Consuls General from all over the world while being entertained by a Nossal string sextet in the hallowed Members Dining Room at Parliament House.
It was a grand occasion in a very prestigious environment and our students garnered many favourable comments with some of the dignitaries being astounded that they were “only a high school group” and they thought them to be a professional group hired for the occasion. The students joined them for a very classy “BBQ” as the rain pelted down and Melbourne flooded outside. The function was supposed to have taken place in the newly developed private parliamentary gardens which looked amazing, but the weather put paid to that so we were moved inside to the historic and lavishly appointed Members Dining Room.
My thanks to Arun, Jason, Isabella, Rhiann, Jared, Jeremy, Aaron and Ms Nancy Waddington for facilitating this and for bring us much credit in doing so. Many of the Consuls General expressed an interest in becoming more involved with the school and were keen to offer us their services.
Holt Community Spirit and Leadership Award
Congratulations to Nalini Jacob-roussety of Year 9 for receiving the 2018 Community Spirit and Leadership Award presented by the Honourable Anthony Byrne MP the Federal Member for Holt on Monday evening.
2019 Dates
- The school office will be closed from Friday 21 December until Thursday 24 January.
- Teachers resume on Tuesday 29 January.
- Years 9 and 12 Students resume on Wednesday 30 January (Foundation Assembly – Parents welcome)
- Years 10 and 11 resume on Thursday 31 January
Merry Christmas and New Year Best Wishes
My best wishes to everyone for the festive season; I hope you all have time to celebrate the season and the new year with family and friends, and I encourage the students and staff in particular to rest, relax and refresh themselves during the summer break. I expect there to be some limited homework completed, but really want everyone to use the time to recharge and have some fun.
Warm wishes to you all....
Roger Page