General News

School Photos
School photos were distributed to students last week. If you did not receive your photo order, it is likely you opted to collect it from the office.
RAT Tests
Rapid Antigen tests have been distributed to the eldest child in each family today. Kindly check your child’s bag for your allocation. The allocation covers the next 2 weeks.
Parent Volunteers
Please remember, to be a volunteer at the school, you must
- Be triple vaccinated
- Have signed the parent code of conduct
- Have a current Working with Children Check.
If you are unsure if you have full accreditation, kindly contact the office before volunteering.
Australian Dental Visit
We have Australian Dental Health Victoria coming to the school at the end of July to administer FREE dental checks for all children. This is a fantastic opportunity for our school community. Here are some important points for you to know -
- Parents must consent for children to be included.
- Consent forms are being distributed to ALL students NEXT WEEK.
- Please check your child's bag for the consent form early next week.
- Please return consent forms TO YOUR TEACHER no later than TUESDAY 23rd MAY if you would like them to have a dental check and clean – late consents will not be accepted by the Dental people 😊
- Dental visits begin on 25th JULY
You can find out more about this initiative and Australian Dental Health VIC here -
Runners Club
Runners club is operating again this term on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8.30am to 8.45am. All students are invited to participate.
Lunchtime Lego Club
We hope to soon commence a lunchtime Lego club. There is only one thing missing… a large supply of Lego!
We will happily receive any old or unused Lego (not Duplo) that you may no longer need. Incomplete sets, mini figures, bases, all of these are highly sought after to add to our collection.
If you do have Lego that you would like to donate please place it in the labelled tub in the office foyer.
We thank you and hope to let you know more about Lego club in the coming weeks!
Coffee Cart
A coffee cart will be onsite from 8am to 9am this Friday 6 May. A gold coin donation is welcome. All proceeds will be donated back to the school.
Foundation Parent's Mothers Day Concert
Foundation students have been busy practicing for their concert this Friday 4 May. The concert will commence at 9.15 am in the school hall. There will also be a coffee cart on the Prep deck before school! Please note, this event is for Foundation parents/grandparents/special people only.
Mother’s Day Stall
A Mother’s Day gift stall will be held for all students on Thursday 5 May from 9.15am. Gifts will range from $2 to $15. Kindly provide your child with a small amount money to spend at the stall. Please click here for the timetable.
Chess Club
Click on the link to download the Term 2 2022 Chess enrolment form. Chess classes are held each Tuesday lunchtime in the hall. For further enquires, please email Felix Chandler:
Young Engineers – STEM, Lego, Engineering and Robotics classes
Bookings are now open for term 2. Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday from 2 May to 23 June from 3.30pm to 5pm in class 1C and 1D. The cost of the program is $185 for the term or $70 for a three week trial. Click here to enrol.