Acting Principal Message

Welcome Back
I hope that everyone had a relaxing Easter and holiday break and took the time to connect with family and friends with the easing of further restrictions. The weather was wonderful, and I took the opportunity to walk along the beach, take long walks and a visit to Adelaide over the Easter break.
Term 2 commenced with a beautiful and solemn ANZAC day ceremony with our student leaders leading the event with confidence. Mr. Jim Marett from the Toorak RSL (Vietnam veteran) spoke about the significance of ANZAC day. A national day to remember those who have served to defend Australia. Mr. Marett spoke emotionally about his ANZAC day memories especially about mate ship and comradeship, as Jim said, ‘a bond between soldiers which can never be broken’. The whole ceremony was a very fitting tribute to all who have, or continue to, serve our country.
The school is always working to improve the way we communicate with our school community, and I’m pleased to be delivering this message via our new digital newsletter. We are hoping that this new format will be easier to access on a variety of devices and is easier to read. What do you think? Please send us some feedback on the new format so we can continue to improve our practices.
A reminder that this newsletter goes out every fortnight, with weekly updates on alternate Wednesdays, and that the Year level curriculum newsletter will be in your inboxes on Friday of this week then week 4, 6, 8 and 10. As always, the weekly newsletter and website will keep you well informed of upcoming events not least of which includes: open mornings, annual maths night, the release of our midyear student reports, the annual report to the school community, NAPLAN (Yrs. 3 and 5), athletics day, Education week and other school events.
Relaxation of Covid Restrictions
You will be very aware that most covid restrictions have now been relaxed, with masks no longer required to be worn in classrooms or buildings. We will, of course, support individual and family decisions to wear these if wanted. The latest guidelines are:
Face masks
From 11:59 pm Friday 22 April, face masks, while recommended, are not required in any school setting. This means students in grades 3 to 6, staff and visitors in primary schools are no longer required to wear face masks. Any student or staff member who wishes to wear a mask may do so, including those who are medically at-risk.
Screening requirements
Students and staff who have tested positive for COVID-19, and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake rapid antigen test (RAT) screening for 12 weeks after their release from isolation. This was previously 8 weeks.
Household contacts
Students and staff who are household contacts of a COVID-19 case are no longer required to quarantine. They can return to school as long as they undertake rapid antigen tests (RAT) 5 times within their 7-day period and wear face masks indoors if they are aged 8 and above unless they have a valid exemption. If any household contact returns a positive RAT result during this period, they must isolate for 7 days and not attend school.
Vaccination requirements
Visitors to schools Parents, carers and other adult visitors (not performing work) are no longer required to show evidence of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Those who volunteer or help need to be triple vaccinated.
RAT screening program extension
The supply of RATs will continue for the first 4 weeks of this term. The screening recommendations remain the same: mainstream schools – recommended to test at home twice a week (Monday and Wednesday)
As we approach winter and flu season, the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 and booster shots for students 16+ remains the best way to ensure protection for students and staff. The Easter break is a good opportunity to get your child vaccinated ahead of this, with many options across GPs, pharmacies and the state-run vaccination clinics.
If you have any concerns about getting your child vaccinated, please get in contact with your GP or another health professional who can answer your concerns.
Thank you in advance for continuing to work with the us to ensure our school remains safe during Term 2.
Enrolments for 2023
We are currently accepting Foundation/Prep enrolments for 2023 and are happy to assist with any queries. Please contact the office.
Last week we said farewell to Mrs. Marasinghe who commenced her maternity leave and we welcomed Miss. Rebeca Gomas in 2D.
I’m pleased to announce that Ms. Dettman and her partner welcomed into the world a baby girl Ruby a few weeks ago. Ms. Dettman and Ruby are doing well and are looking forward to visiting us soon.
School Review
Every four years, government school complete a self- assessment as part of a whole school review process. The Department undertakes a review of school performance to inform the directions of the school’s 4-year School Strategic Plan (a legislative requirement for all schools). The aim is to create a self-sustaining cycle of continuous improvement, where schools are supported to improve student outcomes.
Toorak Primary school is in a year of review and have commenced the review process with a “Minimum Standards Compliance Self-Assessment’ currently being undertaken.
Our Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), Mr. Stuart Andrews, will play a critical role in supporting the school through the review process. This includes:
- assisting the school to complete their self-evaluation
- collaborating with the principal in selecting challenge partners
- being a member of the School Review Panel
- supporting the school to develop its new SSP.
- I will convey further information about the review as the year continues.
Pupil free day
I write to also inform you that through discussion with the Leadership Team and School Council that students are not required at school on Thursday 2nd June and parents are required to make alternative arrangements. The staff Professional Practice Day (as directed by the Department of Education) has been organized to occur before a curriculum day to minimize disruption by backing it onto our existing Curriculum Day.
Congratulations to all students who continually wear correct school uniform. I ask parents to please ensure that children are wearing the correct uniform to school each day. Different coloured socks, leggings and coloured skivvies’ underneath polo shirts are not consistent with the uniform policy so please support the school by ensuring that each child is wearing our uniform correctly. The rationale for our, “School Uniform Policy” states, “The wearing of a school uniform promotes a sense of identity and pride for students and ensures that students are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities. A school uniform also allows all students to feel equal and prevents bullying and competition on the basis of clothing worn. It can also strengthen the spirit of community within the school as well as enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.”
I look forward to seeing the community at our Coffee cart morning this Friday at 8am followed by our Mother’s/Special Friends Foundation concert.
Just advising the community that Mrs. Manallack will continue to be on leave this term, and we wish Mrs. Manallack well. I’ve been asked to stay on, in the Acting Principal role, and I’m very pleased to accept that role.
Kind regards,
Sharon Wildermuth