Academic Care and Wellbeing- Students

As we move to online learning we would like to ensure that parents and students have all the relevant information they need to navigate our new school life. 


Students are encouraged to use their Splash page, CANVAS and emails to find important information. Your teachers are ZOOMing and providing online resources so that your learning maintains continuity and everyone feels supported.  Please don’t hesitate to email teachers and your House Leaders if you have any questions or concerns.  Parents can also check the ‘Parent portal’ on our Mater Dei website to access information, and can also email teachers.


We understand that your school day may be very different at home and encourage you to make sure you have a good balance of school work, exercise and social breaks.  Your timetable is a great guide, but some of you may be unable to follow it. That is ok. Stay in contact with your teachers and find a pace that suits your needs.  


We ask you to join in on Homegroup ZOOM sessions at 8:45am on school days so that we can make sure you are well equipped for each day.  It is also a great way to stay in touch with your peers, share a prayer and learn about extra activities that may interest you. How did you go with Mr Hope’s challenge?  Who is designing a banner for the NEAA? Did anyone read Aurora Rising?


I know it is a stressful and uncertain time, particularly for our Year 12 students. I want to remind you that you are well prepared to direct your own learning and I even have proof.  Take a look into the past, at a time when the lake was full and social distancing was unheard of.


If you need to contact your child's House Leader please see below contact details:

Webber House - Mrs Pauline Streckfuss
Sherrin House - Mr Stephen 
Kennedy House - Mr Michael
Rosarie House - Mrs Ruth
Carroll House - Mrs Virginia


Enjoy your break and stay safe.   


Ms Cramp | Leader of Students