From the Secondary Principal Team

We are excited to welcome all students back for an exciting and jam packed Term 2 at the Secondary Campus.
We have a few new starters with us on Secondary this term:
- Asmita – Integration Aide
- Jasvinder – Tutor Program
- Deepti – Science Teacher
Please make sure to introduce yourself and provide a warm Lakes welcome.
We also welcome Brooke S back from Family Leave!
Important reminders for the Term ahead:
- MYLNS & Tutor program
- These programs will now enter implementation stage for 2022. Teachers will be working closely with the Tutors and MYLNS specialists as they prepare Individual Education Plans with each of the identified students
- We are all prepped and ready for NAPLAN online this year. Please be mindful that there will be significant class and room disruptions during 10-16 May. Year 7 and 9 students participating in NAPLAN are reminded to bring a set of earphones along to school during participation in the testing period.
- School Tours/Information sessions
- As many of our families begin to prepare for selecting a Secondary school for their Year 6 students, we will be running regular school tours on a Friday Morning.
- Year 5/6 Sport and Year 6 Relationships and Sexuality Education Program
- Both of these programs will be taking place on the Secondary campus on a Friday throughout Term 2. We look forward to welcoming 5/6 students to our campus.
- Course Counselling and Subject Selections
- Alyce will be working overtime to meet with individual students to ensure that they have all of the relevant information and advice available for them ahead of 2023 subject selections.
- Parent/Carer Teacher Interviews and Reporting
- Parent/Carer Teacher Interviews will take place during a modified day this term.
- Year 11 & 12 practice Exams
- These will take place at the ends of Units 1 and 3. The College will be working to ensure we provide all available and appropriate academic and wellbeing supports to students as they head into these important practice exams.
- VIA applications and testing for 2023
- 2023 VIA selection process will be rolling out this Term.
- Year 10 work experience
- Year 10 students will be out and about gaining workplace experience. Please support them in making the most out of this fantastic opportunity.
- Attitudes to School Survey
- Attitudes to School Survey will be conducted in May. We look forward to receiving valuable feedback from students so that we can work to continually improve our educational offerings to students.
Term 2 focuses for staff:
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)will see a renewed focus in Term 2 with online and face-to-face training for all Secondary staff and the development of IEPs for all students participating in the Tutor Learning Initiative, Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support Program and Victorian High Abilities programs as per the 2022 AIP (these are additional to students on the Program for Students with Disabilities and Aboriginal students).
Term 2 focuses for students:
- We ask that students aim for a 90%+ attendance rate (Note this is a requirement of VCE and VCAL programs)
- We ask that students are punctual – both at the beginning of school and for each lesson
- We ask that students come to class ready and prepared for learning – this includes attending sessions with a fully charged laptop
- We ask that students show school pride by wearing full school uniform (no hoodies, no black jumpers under shirts, no track pants or leggings, sports uniform only on PE days, no white shoes)
- We ask that students represent themselves, their families and the College by consistently interacting with others in reasonable and respectful ways.