From the College Principal

Welcome to Term 2.
To our teaching/student support team we welcome on Primary Joey and Sara who will be working with our Prep/1/2 teams from 9:00 am - 1.30pm daily while on secondary we have Shelly (PE), Jim (Tutor), Deepti (Science), Asmita (Integration) and Javinder (Tutor). Brooke has also returned to our administration team with Sarah,
Our staff have delivered 3 new baby boys, Sarah C has Remi
while Laura P delivered twins Max and Roy.
We wish these families a sweet adventure.
You will notice the admin/reception areas of both campuses have been refreshed with a coat of paint, a new fence has appeared on our Primary Campus while the final load of replacement furniture will arrive on secondary. There are a range of upgrades and projects being supported by school council planned to roll out this year.
Sadly, over the recent holidays we were again on the end of a number of break ins and graffiti hit. This is soul destroying to our community. The school reflects who we are as a team and we don’t need random hits to bring us down. If you observe inappropriate use of your school after hours please call 000.
As many of you are aware, I will be taking periods of Long Service leave to transition to retirement. I am now on leave for the next six weeks Bill will be acting Principal in my absence and Marcus and Bonnie will continue to lead their campuses.