Loving God, you walk with us on the journey of faith. Teach us to trust in your ways, and echo songs of joy in our hearts, renewing our lives in Easter joy. 

Through Christ our Lord.   


We pray ...

We pray for ..... all those who have died while serving our nation in war; all those who have lost ones in war and conflict; for all those who continue to serve in the defence forces, especially those in areas of turmoil; for all candidates who are preparing to make their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist this term; for the Ramirez family on the safe arrival of their son, for those recovering from surgery or who are unwell.


Next Wednesday some of our Year 6 students will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation.




Term 2 - Family Mass Date

1st May - 9.30am St Nicholas Church (Year 3 and First Eucharist Candidates encouraged                                                                             to attend)

5th June - 9.30am St Nicholas Church (Year 2 and Year 4 encouraged to attend)


A Whole School Mother’s Day Mass will be held on Friday 6th May (Week 2) at 9.30am at St Nicholas School Undercroft. Before Mass from 7.30am onwards we will also enjoy a muffin with our 'mums'. We would like to invite all mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends and hope you will be able to join us for this special occasion.



Project Compassion Boxes

Project Compassion Boxes are now due. These can be given to Mrs Dunst here at school.



First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Year 3 students)

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparations have begun. Thank you to all the parents who came to the information sessions and enrolment Masses. You would have received a pack with lots of information and important details. Please ensure all monies and documents are submitted no later than Monday 16th May.


First Eucharist Attire - Donate?

We are continuing with a traditional formality to our First Eucharist that many parents have requested in recent times, relating to the children’s dress for the occasion. The girls are being asked to wear a white dress, skirt, trousers with white tights or stockings and shoes, while the boys are asked to wear black trousers, black shoes, white shirt and a tie. While this attire is being requested, we are conscious of imposing any extra burden on our families and hope to be able to assist anyone who may be finding it difficult to acquire any of these clothing. Therefore, if you have any of these items of clothing at home that you could donate to our clothing pool here at school, we would love to hear from you. Please email or send items in to Mrs Dunst. Thank you in anticipation of your support.


For new students who are baptised Catholic, are in Years 3 -6 and are beginning at St Nicholas School in 2022, if there is a Sacrament that they have missed receiving please contact Mrs Dunst as soon as possible (rdunst@arm.catholic.edu.au).


Edmund Rice Feast Day

Thursday 5th May marks Edmund Rice's Feast Day. Students who are in Edmund Rice will be able to come to school on Thursday 5th May dressed in 'blue' mufti clothes. A gentle reminder no coloured hair spray however enclosed shoes and a hat are a must.


Catholic Schools week will be celebrated during the week beginning 23rd May (Week 5). The theme of this year's Catholic Schools Week is 'Our Hope-Filled Future'. 


REAL TALK - Advanced notice

REAL Talk has been a huge success in previous years and the team have been booked in for the first week in August. More information to follow closer to the time.


REAL Talk is an organisation that is about getting REAL on the topics of relationships and personal identity. Based on Catholic Christian values, Real Talk provides up-to-date resources, presentations and programs that help young people to understand God’s amazing plan for love and life.