It’s been a busy term informing the BSC community about this exciting senior studies option offered here. Thank you to everyone who attended the information evening last month, thank you to the current BSC IBDP students for being such enthusiastic advocates and thank you to all the current Year 10 students who have expressed their interest in pursuing the IBDP in 2023.

One of the key points I wish to reiterate is that, whilst the IBDP is relatively new here at BSC, the programme itself is extremely well established globally having been founded in 1968. Currently in Australia, there are 212 IB World Schools. BSC is proud to be one of them and especially proud to be one of only three government schools to offer the programme in Victoria. Globally, as of February 2022, there were over 7,500 IB programmes being offered worldwide, across over 5,400 schools in 159 countries. 

Research has been conducted around the globe to prove the effectiveness of the Diploma, as well as highlight the advantages to students. 


Here is a snapshot of the research that demonstrates the benefits of the IB Diploma:


1. Can positively impact university admission A study conducted by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in the UK showed that graduates of the IB Diploma had a better chance of enrolling in one of the UK’s top 20 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) than other students with similar qualifications. Research by the Chicago Postsecondary Transition Project on post-secondary outcomes and experiences of graduates shows that not only were IB Diploma graduates more likely to enrol in university but were also more likely to enrol in selective universities, stay enrolled and perform better during university study.


2. Develops a sense of global affiliation 

Over 150 countries around the world offer the IB, and colleges and universities from almost 90 countries accept the IB Diploma exam results annually. Graduates from the IB Diploma have surpassed global standards of academic achievement, giving them the confidence to pursue higher learning. Diploma graduates also enjoy an advantage with elite institutions: IB graduates are 21.4 percent more likely to be admitted into 10 of the most prestigious universities in the US, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford. 


3. Advanced research skills

The Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge components of the IB Diploma require the development of advanced independent research and organisational skills, which are crucial for students who want to pursue higher learning and excel in their careers. Three studies on the relationship between the Extended Essay and higher education – one at the University of Virginia in the USA, a second at the University of Warwick in the UK and the third at McGill University in Canada – have proven that Diploma graduates have benefitted from their experience writing the Extended Essay, which has prepared them for research projects in undergraduate courses. Moreover, students’ performance in their Extended Essays correlated with their grades in undergraduate studies.


4. Instils critical thinking and time management skills

According to the aforementioned study by the Chicago Postsecondary Transition Project, IB Diploma students have stronger academic skills than their non-IB Diploma counterparts, especially in analytical writing. The research found that IB Diploma students demonstrated the ability to look beyond details, analyse sources and test the consensus. Additionally, these same students learned to develop good study habits by setting aside time for assignments and revision and avoiding distractions.


5. Develops the whole person

Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) is a cornerstone component of the IB Diploma that elevates personal and interpersonal growth through direct experience, such as creating resource materials for a community or participating in international outreach projects.

Researchers from the University of Bath conducted a survey about CAS among 8,000 students, 500 CAS coordinators and 900 IB Diploma alumni. They found that CAS made significant changes in the students’ personal dispositions, behaviour and interpersonal relationships. According to the survey respondents, CAS improved risk-taking and challenge and helped students to persevere and develop interpersonal skills. Respondents found the entire programme challenging but rewarding.


CAS provides a renewed perspective on the world, promotes global citizenship and enables opportunities for self-determination and collaboration. Students are encouraged to develop a sense of accomplishment, self-worth and to perceive themselves as vital contributors to society.


There are many benefits of the IB Diploma. While some of the advantages are not yet quantifiable or proven through research, there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence listing student achievements attributable to their IB Diploma studies. The pursuit for knowledge and truth, as well as the refinement of an individual’s character will undoubtedly become more pronounced as graduates grow to become responsible and productive citizens.


As promised, I have sent a survey out to the current Year 10 students regarding their interest in specific IBDP subjects for 2023. They can find the link on their Compass news feed. 


I look forward to the opportunity to share more about the IBDP with you in Term Two, including the chance for interested Year 10 students to experience a day in the programme.


Katherine Perry

IBDP Coordinator