Term 1 Report

As we draw to the end of term 1, we reflect on the fact that this is the first full term we have had of onsite teaching and learning in the past two years. We have crammed as many experiences as possible into this term for our students, including the House Swimming sports, various subject based excursions, inter school sports days, and the year 7, 8 &12 Year level camps. This has been an amazing feat as we continue to navigate the numerous challenges of striving for ‘a new normal’ amidst the co-vid landscape. We recognise the importance of our junior school students, in particular, establishing connections and friendships as they transition from a remote learning environment to an onsite school setting.


We’re pleased to see how well the vast majority of students have settled in and managed their learning. We look forward to our college community maintaining their positive and resilient attitude as we head into the winter months.


TAPAS/Process Reports

During PEP on Thursday, with the guidance of PEP teachers’, students set their SMART learning goal for term 2. With cycle #1 of process released during PEP, students were able to reflect on their process reports and write personal learning goals which are visible to students and parents on Compass.


We are running TAPAS (Teacher and Parent and Student) conference online interviews in the first week of term 2, with Compass TAPAS bookings being open all of this week for parents to access. Parents/Guardians and students can review their reports in preparation for TAPAS to discuss their learning progress with their teachers. We strongly encourage families to discuss their children’s SMART goals to help support them to achieve success and personal growth.


TAPAS Conferences in Term 2


Our teaching staff are looking forward to meeting you at our TAPAS conferences on either Wednesday 27th April or Friday 29th April and will be holding these meetings via WebEx

This is an opportunity to discuss your child’s learning and progress this term. If you have not yet booked your TAPAS meeting time, please go to the Compass portal and book your meeting time as bookings close on Friday 8th April. 

You will receive a BSC email early next term with your TAPAS meeting schedule and Webex links to access each teacher meetings. It is important you keep this email to access your Webex meetings.


Important info:

  1. Please check your Compass Portal for the day/ times of TAPAS conference.
  2. You will need to click on the meeting link 
    (BSC email will provide all meeting links) and Webex will automatically load. You will be placed in the ‘Waiting Room’ until your child’s teacher admits you to the meeting. We ask that you arrive online on time. Please use your full name so the teacher can identify you and admit you into the meeting.
  3. Please only share the meeting link with your child if you are not in the same household for your interview. Students need to use their full name so the teacher can identify admit them into the meeting.



Schools have a responsibility to provide an educational environment that ensures that all students are valued and cared for, feel they are part of the school and can engage effectively in their learning and experience success.

The College community regards the uniform as an important aspect of the school’s culture and general philosophy.


The uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school.


At the beginning of next term all students will be required to wear their winter uniform. 

The college blazer is compulsory during terms 2 & 3. We ask students and parents to respect and adhere to our uniform policy as we work together to uphold our college values.


Mobile Devices Policy

We would like to take this opportunity to remind families and students about the appropriate use of technology both at school and at home. 

The student mobile devices policy which aligns with the Department of Education directive states that students are not to be in possession of their mobile phones between 8:50am and 3:15pm This does include students not using their mobile phone at the canteen.


We wish you and your family a safe and restful Easter school holidays.


Yours sincerely,

The BSC Assistant Principal Team