Junior School Debating

Junior School Debating Sign Ups
The Junior School Debating Program is beginning in Week 5 of Term Three and signups are happening now. Any year seven or eight students who are interested in joining debating and public speaking, please sign up on the sheet on the Debating Board near the staff room or see Ms. Clancy if you have any other questions.
What is debating?
Competitive debating is a fun activity akin to a game in which we examine ideas and policies with the aim of persuading people within an organised structure. It allows us to consider the world around us by thinking about different arguments, engaging with opposing views and speaking strategically.
How do we debate?
In every debate, there is an argument, statement, idea or policy that is disputed and deliberated. Usually, the argument is either a policy which changes the status quo, a statement, the truth or falsehood of which is examined in the debate. There are two sides to the debate: the affirmative side and the opposition side. The affirmative supports the topic whilst the opposition opposes it. After the debate, the judges will decide which debaters were most persuasive.
What makes a good debater?
Typically, judges decide how persuasive debaters have been through three key criteria:
Matter: What we say and the arguments and examples we use.
Manner: How we say it and the language and voice we use.
Method: How well we engage with the topic, respond to other people's arguments, and structure what we say.
How is the debate structured?
There are many different formats of debate, each with their own rules. The format we use in competitive debating is called British Parliamentary, as it resembles a debate in the British Parliament. This is the international standard for secondary school and university-level competitive debating. That said, it is but one of many different debating formats and, like AFL, learning the rules doesn't teach you how to play it well. Once you have learned to debate in one format, it is very easy to convert to another.
Where else can I find out more about debating?
If you would like any more information about debating, please visit http://www.dav.com.au or contact Ms. Clancy on clancy.haley.h@edumail.vic.gov.au
Debating Coordinator