School Advisory Council

Meeting Report 4 April


Learning and Teaching

  • Chinese has been well received as the new Specialist Languages program. Having the Chinese performance as part of Harmony Day greatly enhanced this program
  • Harmony Day format was well received this year.
  • Whole school Writing program has been implemented across the school with the cultivation of great ideas from all staff and great results with the students writing.

Student Wellbeing

  • Peaceful Kids program is well underway with many groups of students particpating.
  • The Knitting Club has been well attende during Wednesday lunchtimes.

School Community

  • Twilight Sports BBQ raised $1000 with funds going to Turkey and Syria through Caritas.

2022 School Review 

Our Strategic Intent is:

We aspire to create a dynamic learning environment, where Catholic faith permeates, active partnerships with St John’s community are developed and high quality teaching practices are provided, to improve student engagement, growth and positive learning outcomes.

Our Priorities are:

  1. Enrich our Catholic Identity
  2. Inspire and engage a community of learners
  3. Embed high quality teaching practice
  • A major goal from the school improvemnet plan is to increase Catholic Identity and undersatanding through the parent community.
  • Student voice is a major focus this year.
  • Big improvement in student behaviour - teachers are setting high expecations.
  • We will continue to amplify strong pedagogical practices, that challenge and extend all students, as teachers want to see continued high growth.
  • Collaborative practices amongst all staff are strengthened through use of data and case management.
  • Support for teachers this year in the recontexualisation of RE, is a main focus for this year.

Partner and Advise



Support Strategic Direction & Operations



Governance & Reports





Gratitude Column 


We are grateful for the effort that Kirsten Connelly (Mother of Henry in Yr 2) went to, to organise the Special Food Day for all of our students. It was anticipated for weeks and was certainly a special treat for everyone.  Thanks Kirsten!


We are also very grateful for the effort of Anna Carnovale, in all of the time and energy that she put into the Easter Raffle again this year!