Learning and Teaching

Cross Country Practice

Next Monday students in Years 3-6 will take part in a Cross country trial at Halliday Park, from 12pm - 1.45pm. All students will be encouraged to run the full distance of a cross country event for their age group. Students in Years 3-6 may wear their Sports uniform to school on Monday, 1 May.

Marathon Club - 2 May

Marathon Club will start next Tuesday, 2 May, for Term 2. Everyone in years 3-6 is welcome to attend. Students in junior clases may attend if accompanied by a parent. It costs $10 per term to cover the breakfast expenses.

Term 1 Learning

At our Final Assembly in Term 1 students from each class presented a snapshot of their learning. Here are the slide presentations from each class for you to enjoy and discover the great learning that is happening at St John's.