Year 10 Information

Kirsty Ramsay, Year 10 & PLP Leader

Thank you to all the families and students that came to the Personal Learning Plan (PLP)/Work Experience evening held on 23 February. We had approximately 60 people attend on a hot night! It was great to see so much support and interaction regarding work experience. The following dates are important to remember:


Term 1 - Monday 3 April - Career Expo Excursion

Year 10 students are attending the TSCEA Careers Expo at the Adelaide Convention Centre as part of their PLP subject. Students will be with their allocated PLP teachers for the day and will take a bus to the city and return at approximately 2.30pm.


No Year 10 lessons will be held on this day. Students not attending will go to the senior floor or the library to work on their studies.


For more information on the Careers Event please click here Adelaide - Careers Event



Term 2 - 8-12 May - Year 10 Work Experience Week

Work Experience is compulsory for all Year 10 students and is part of their PLP subject. All Year 10s will be out experiencing the world of work this week. There will be no Year 10 lessons this week. 


When students are on their work experience teachers will be visiting and phoning companies to see how they are doing. Students are to complete their PLP work experience journal at the same time.  A reminder if students have not completed their DfE PLINK safety course they are unable to attend work experience for WHS reasons – this was required Week 1 in their PLP subject.