SACE Stage 1 

Outdoor Education

Aquatics Camp

SACE Stage 1 Outdoor Education - Aquatics Camp

The class packed their gear into the trailer Monday 27 February and headed off to camp to participate in aquatic activities on the Yorke Peninsula.  We had been planning and preparing our menu, minimal impact camping skills, risk management and group dynamics so we were ready for the experience. 


Surfing at Berry Bay on the first afternoon, all students managed to catch waves and stand up in the white water. The offshore wind made the waves clean and the swell had plenty of power overhead high out the back. We were lucky to be visited by a large pod of dolphins. We camped overnight and surfed again the next morning before packing up our gear and heading to Port Vincent for the afternoon activities and camping overnight.


The next afternoon was knee boarding and snorkelling. The air temperature started to drop, the clouds rolled in and it rained overnight. The next day we participated actively in windsurfing, knee boarding and stand up paddle boarding.


Using our preparation and planning effectively, we had a very successful camp and all members of the group supported each other really well.