From the Principal 

Welcome to week 7


It is great news that the builders have come on site, with fences up and demolition begun. The first stage of the project involves the construction of the new Administration Building. This will house the school’s main entrance, the front office, staff room, leadership offices and first aid room.



Please keep in your prayers and thoughts, Shane and Bailey Seiboth. I attended the funeral today of, wife and mother, Tania Kozul.  Shane and Tania were great supporters of the school during Bailey’s time here. Bailey (who graduated last year) spoke beautifully at the celebration of Tania’s life. As was said today, “Tania was a loving, caring person, who gave so much to her family.  Her love, guidance, support and wisdom will be an endless source of inspiration for the rest of our days.”


At last week’s Assembly we commissioned the Earth Care Squad for Semester 1.  This group does brilliant work around the site, through planting, pruning, cleaning and harvesting. Thank you boys and girls for your much appreciated contribution to our school community.


Our year 4 students are currently having a great time on their Zoo Snooze. The boys returned today and I will be joining the girls for an overnight adventure this evening.


A couple of reminders: student should not be bringing toys to school and correct uniform needs to be worn each day.   We thank you for assisting us in these matters.  Please refer  to the Uniform Policy in the General Information section of this Newsletter.


Sean Hill
