The Arrowsmith Program 








At the conclusion of this semester, the Oakleigh Grammar Arrowsmith Program will be saying farewell to two students-Flynn Pettigrew and Bertie Brougham. Flynn and Bertie have come to the end of their time in the Arrowsmith Program. We wish them well on the next part of their educational journey and thank them for their efforts to gain the most out of their learning.


Recently, we asked some of the students what they have learned this semester in the Arrowsmith Program. Below are some of their responses.


Temina - I didn’t know how to read a clock and now I am great at them.


Abbey - My reading and spelling have improved. I can read a three handed clock.


Shasmeen - I have improved in the clocks and lexical exercises. My writing is neater.


Jaymes - I have improved not only in my writing but also my Maths. Throughout this semester, when completing Q Sense, I found it easier to gather the information that I needed in Maths and to calculate problems.


Rylee - My handwriting has improved. It used to be dreadful, and I couldn’t really read it but now I can read my handwriting perfectly.

Samuel-I have improved in my Maths because it is easier for me to calculate numbers faster in my head.


Zoe - I have improved in my handwriting and it is so neat on the line. I feel so happy with my effort.


Henry - I think I’ve switched on more-more aware of what’s happening and I focus better and don’t zone out.


Flynn - I have found that Arrowsmith has helped me to take notes in mainstream classes and my handwriting has improved so I can read my notes. I believe I am now thinking of more ideas.


We wish all students and their families a restful and relaxing mid-term break and look forward to a productive and exciting second semester.


Mr Wayne Stagg

Head of the Arrowsmith Program