Middle School








Term 2 has proved to be an extremely busy term with camps, National Sports Events, exams, various excursions and of course, everyday learning! This term has provided many opportunities for our students to extend and challenge themselves, build upon their skills and represent Oakleigh Grammar, and themselves, in a positive way. 


Congratulations to our Year 9 students who have been busy revising and sitting exams. As their first exam experience, they took this on with confidence, maturity and a positive attitude. Speaking with some students afterwards, they were able to reflect on the experience and their own efforts. Whilst I’m sure there are some nerves and eagerness around results, it is an opportunity for our students to recognise their hard work, reflect on what they can do next and use this as a moment for learning ahead of future exams. 


Year 7 students ventured off to Merricks for their camp last week. This was met with much excitement and anticipation. Students were challenged on various activities, stepping out of their comfort zone and most importantly, having the opportunity to spend time with others outside of their usual friendship group. Fun was had atop the milk crates on the vertical challenges, and the dizzying heights of the high ropes. Canoeing presented a challenge when navigating the paddles, resulting in some spinning in circles! 


Congratulations to all Middle School students for their hard work this term, consistently putting in their best efforts and working towards making a ‘Positive Impact’. 



Ashlee Scott

Middle School Coordinator