Junior School news








As a school, I wanted to share some important reminders that directly affect our students' well-being, learning, and social development.

  1. Good Sleep and Boundaries with Devices: We all know how challenging it can be to establish a consistent sleep schedule, especially with the allure of screens and social media. However, getting enough sleep is crucial for our children's health and academic success. Let's work together to set boundaries around device usage before bed, creating a relaxing environment that promotes a good night's sleep.
  2. Downtime Without Technology: In this digital age, finding time for non-screen activities can be tough. However, it's essential for our students' overall well-being. Encourage your child to explore hobbies, spend time outdoors, or simply enjoy quality moments with family and friends, free from the distractions of technology.
  3. Honour in Wearing a School Uniform and General Grooming: Wearing a school uniform fosters a sense of pride, unity, and equality among our students. We understand that keeping uniforms clean and well-presented can sometimes be a challenge. However, by working together, we can instil in our students a sense of pride associated with representing our school. Let's also teach them the importance of good personal hygiene and grooming, building their self-esteem and respect for themselves and others.
  4. Arriving at School on Time: Mornings can be hectic, and we understand the difficulties of getting everyone ready and out the door. However, arriving at school on time has a significant impact on our students' ability to fully engage in their learning and socialize with their peers. By prioritizing punctuality and establishing a morning routine, we can support our children in starting their day positively.

Your partnership is invaluable as we work together to create an optimal learning environment for our students. We understand the challenges of managing these aspects in our busy lives, and we appreciate your efforts to prioritise your child's well-being and education.


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Shelley Parkes

Deputy Principal - Professional Culture and Junior School