Community news

2023 Gala Ball

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of The Greek Orthodox Community of Oakleigh and District, and the 40th anniversary of Oakleigh Grammar, the Parents Association staged a Gala Ball!


Once again a huge thank you to our Parents Association for organising a fabulous Gala Ball , kindly sponsored by the Bank of Sydney. It was wonderful to see the Board, staff, students and parents come together in a night of fine food, dance and entertainment at the spectacular Vogue Ballroom. In all, over $20,000 was raised for new equipment for Oakleigh Grammar students.


Clcik here to relive the magic from our spectacular anniversary Gala Ball! 


Oakleigh Grammar Business Network

If you have a family business and want to reach new customers, while helping our great school in the process, we have some fantastic opportunities available. 


We will have two major sponsorship opportunities this year. The first is for our Gala Ball to be staged in May, and the second will be our Business Breakfast which takes place in August.


If you have an interest in partnering with Oakleigh Grammar, please complete this short survey.


2023 marks two significant milestones: the 40th anniversary of Oakleigh Grammar and the 60th anniversary of the Greek Orthodox Community of Oakleigh and Districts. To celebrate these milestones, the Oakleigh Grammar Parents Association will host a Gala Ball. 


Below are sponsorship details for our Parents Association Gala Ball in May – it presents a great opportunity to build brand awareness, reach a new audience, connect with the community and contribute to our school for the direct benefit of our students. 












For further information, contact Maree on or 0431 732 057. 


Marketing Update



We are continuing to update our signage and as you can see our Reception area is the latest to be updated!






Talking to your child about vaping can seem daunting, but there are strategies you can use

Check out our latest blog here


Anxiety is a reaction to change or stressful events where children, young people or adults feel worry, fear and unease. Some types of anxiety include separation anxiety, school refusal, generalised anxiety, social phobia, panic, OCD etc. Chronic anxiety can interfere with the ability to focus and learn at school.

Strategies to assist anxiety include:


  • Recognising the body signs of anxiety eg butterflies in stomach, fast breathing, feeling shaky, tight muscles, headache etc
  • Understanding fight/flight/freeze response that we all  experience in stressful events
  • Regular daily routines assist with anxiety
  • Deep breathing helps settle our body when feeling anxious
  • Grounding ie naming 5 things we can see, hear etc around us to focus when feeling overwhelmed
  • Imagine ourselves in our happy, calm place ie home, beach, park etc
  • Pushing through the situations where we feel anxious promotes increased confidence and tends to reduce anxiety
  • Reminding child/young person that they have done it before ie attended school, done test/exam etc
  • our responses to situations are influenced by our thoughts, feelings, behaviours about the situation. Therefore by becoming aware of our thoughts and feelings or changing our behaviours to the situation can assist to reduce anxiety.

Further information and strategies about anxiety are also available on School TV.


Hoping you all have a good holiday. 


Kind Regards,


Sue Bassett

Student Counsellor

Become a host family!

Do you have a spare room? Host Oakleigh Grammar international students!

Receive $350 per student, per week. 

Hosting international students offers a unique opportunity to broaden perspectives and foster global connections within our community. By welcoming Oakleigh Grammar international students into your home, you create an environment where traditions, languages, and experiences can be shared. Through daily interactions and shared activities, both hosts and students gain invaluable benefits.


Make a Positive Impact: You can make a significant impact on the life of an international student. Your guidance and mentorship can contribute to their personal and academic success.


We are actively seeking new hosts who are willing to open their hearts and homes to our international students. If you have a spare room and a desire to make a difference, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. 


We’ve partnered with Australian Homestay Network (AHN), Australia’s largest and most recognised international student homestay provider.


Register your interest at

For more information visit

Call us on 03 9458 9000