Grade 1

Reading - This week in Reading, the students continued to build their reading comprehension skills by reading the text Room on the Broom. They were able to make predictions, retell the main events in the story, make text to self connections and identify the problem and solution in the text. 


Writing - This week in Writing the students continued learning about recounts. On Wednesday the Year 1 students went outside for a Teddy Bear Picnic with the Prep students. We had a picnic lunch and then played some sports games and danced to our favourite songs. Yesterday the students were asked to write a recount about our Teddy Bear Picnic. We are making sure we are using the correct text structure as well as including our capital letters at the beginning of our sentences and a full stop at the end. 

















During Week 5 and 6, Grade 1’s have continued to build their confidence using numbers. We have specifically focussed on counting forwards and backwards from any number and ordering numbers up to 100. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on activities and games.

During our Maths sessions we have integrated a warm up at the beginning of the lesson to focus on the formation of our numbers. The students have been enthusiastic about practising writing their numbers on whiteboards, with chalk, in sand and with paintbrushes and water on the concrete! They have absolutely blown us away with how quickly they have picked up the correct formation of writing numbers. Great work Grade 1’s. 











In Integrated, students have explored the features of places such as natural, built and managed features. They have continued looking at important places in our community and how we can look after them. 



In Wellbeing, students created a poster identifying things that make them feel happy. They then presented this poster in small groups as part of their Speaking and Listening Learning Task.