Community Events Team 

Anne & Brigid


Our last event this term is a Pizza Club and Weeding Night this Friday 31 March! Bring something to bake in the pizza oven, come along to pull out plants in Yakai Baring, or do both! Bring your gloves, bring your uncooked pizza ingredients, bring a friend and make it a Fun Friday. Note that pizzas won’t be for sale, it is just an invitation to use the oven as a community. 




Voting closes THIS FRIDAY for our trivia night theme for next term - choose between “Carnivals” (eg Rio, Venice, Pride, New Orleans, Carnie folk…), “The Future” (eg future fashion, future world, future you) or “Musicals” (Eg Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Xanadu, Hamilton, Matilda…).  

CAST YOUR VOTE at reception in the respective jars- with a gold coin (or note!) donation. 

All funds go to the school! So show your support, and get your favourite theme locked in as a bonus!  




CET dates ahead:

Pizza Club and Weeding Night - 31 March: See above for details. 


School Sports - 3 May: The BNWPS Whole School Sports day is lots of fun and will need a bunch of parent helpers to make the day run smoothly - keep it free so you can help out and cheer on the kids. 


Plant and Produce - 12 May: Term 2 plant and produce run by grade 5 parents, with baked goods and plants from the whole community. 


Trivia Night - 27 May: Our super-fun night of trivia, dancing and fancy dress - find a babysitter and put it in your diary now! Please email us at if you are interested in joining a small team to plan the trivia night. 


Winter Solstice - 21 June: An end of semester whole-school celebration and get-together. 


Buildings and Grounds Committee dates:

Weeding and Pizza Club night - 31 March: Come and tidy up Yakai Baring to get ready for new plants! Bring some pizza to cook and share it afterwards! 


Working Bee - 21 May: Spend a morning helping to get the grounds looking great. 



If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 

Buildings and Grounds:


Please see your Term 1 school calendar for dates or pick up one from the front office! The calendar is also now on Sentral! 


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.