Student Achievement Awards - 20/3/2023


Well done on your admirable work ethic during Maths this week. You showed care and perseverance when drawing a map of our classroom. You used the symbols in your key to show important features.


Sarah this week you worked really hard to achieve the class writing goal of 'adding detail to your illustration'. You drew an incredible frog on a log and at the beach. You added an umbrella, sandcastle and birds to make your picture entertaining. Keep up the fantastic work!


Ryan, you have showed such a wonderful attitude towards your learning this week, well done! You have worked incredibly hard when identifying different words that rhyme and as a result made a fantastic 'rhyming snap game' for your friends and family to play. You have focussed so hard on all the different ways to make different numbers up to twenty using addition in maths and have really challenged yourself. Congratulations on a fantastic week!


Kevin you are a superstar at reading. Congratulations on reading and answering the questions so well and for working out the words you did not know. You also did an excellent timeline showing the different feelings that Gerald the Giraffe experienced in the book. Great Work.


For remembering to ask questions when you're not sure, and for working hard to improve the neatness of your work. Well done Rusini!


Lily, you showed great thinking during Maths this week when learning about probability. You thought of some fantastic senarios to match the different chance words, including it is "impossible the school will fly". Excellent work!


Ameyaa, well done on your wonderful descriptive writing this week. You upleveled your writing by using specific adjectives to describe the features of your bird, inlcuding 'galaxy-coloured, fast flying wings'. Congratulations and keep up the amazing work!


Well done Keeran for the wonderful learning you did when exploring character emotions and how they change. You were able to identify 'relieved' and 'dismayed' as two opposite feelings a character felt in the text. Awesome effort!


Thea wrote a detailed persuasive piece about aerobics. She was able to explain several different reasons why aerobics is a joyful and energetic sport. Thea made great use of persuasive language and organised her writing into paragraphs. Well done Thea.


Congratulations Ashtin on the wonderful effort you have made towards completing all Literacy tasks with confidence and focus. Your written piece on 'Sloths' was a joy to read, as it included detailed and descriptive information, humour and researched knowledge. Way to go!


Well done Bella on your excellent work in generating ideas and careful planning in preparation to draft your Traditional Tale. I look forward to reading in the near future your final published piece. Keep up being a fabulous learner.


Congratulations Shreya on the progress you are making with your writing goal of character description. You took onboard feedback straight away and started adding describing words as well as experimenting with punctuation to help the reader understand your characters more. Keep up the fantastic work!


Congratulations Evan on completing your whole school Writer’s Notebook homework to an excellent standard. You included interesting information about your family’s favourite celebration - Chinese New Year, and some creative add-ons which really enhanced your page. Well done, Evan!


Congratulations Rithik on the amazing work at manipulating your 'Power of Three' descriptive words to create an exceptional power sentence. You are a Super Star.


Congratulations Ethan on always working hard and trying your best with all areas of the curriculum. I was so proud of your persistence with our methods of multiplication yesterday. Keep up the great work!