Year 5 Report
Term 1 2023
Year 5 Report
Term 1 2023
Congratulations to all Grade 5 students on a fantastic Term 1! The Grade 5 teachers are incredibly proud of all the students and the hard work they have put in this term. This term the students have participated in Interschool Sports where they have done an outstanding job representing our school while demonstrating great respect, cooperation and teamwork. We also participated in Harmony day activities where we celebrated all of the different cultures that make up our wonderful classrooms. Last, but certainly not least, students also completed NAPLAN. Despite some early nerves, all students showed great resilience, approached things with a positive attitude and gave 100%. We hope the students are as proud of themselves as we are of them!
Have a fabulous break, rest up and we look forward to another amazing term with you all in Term 2!
In reading this term, students have been working on building their reading stamina. They have done this through sustained reading in the classroom, as well as gradually increasing the amount of time they have been reading at home each night. We have also worked on thinking more deeply about the texts that we are reading. Students have been writing reading reflections, detailing their thoughts and feelings about what they have been reading. This has led to some great discussions about the text and why the author may have made some of the choices they made.
Building Reading Stamina
Writing this term has focused on Persuasive writing. Students have learned how to introduce a topic, choose a position and provide some well though out and detailed arguments that support this position. We have investigated different ways to make their arguments stronger through the use of language features such as hyperbole, rhetorical questions and repetition. Another way students have been strengthening their arguments has been through the use of evidence such as statistics and examples.
We are finishing the term with a short unit on Poetry. We are specifically looking at song lyrics and how they are a form of poetry. We are investigating popular songs and how they use different poetic devices such as similes, metaphors and alliteration to help create the fun, catchy songs that we all now and love. There has been a lot of singing, dancing and debate about what makes a good song. Needless to say, the students idea of a good song has been quite different to the teachers! It is definitely a fun way to end the term!
Song Lyrics As Poetry
This term in Maths, we have had a focus on Place Value. Students have worked on renaming numbers, placing numbers on number lines and have even moved in to looking at decimals! The students have also applied their knowledge of Place Value to help them with problem solving. We have had an ongoing focus on Skip counting. The students have been skip counting daily and are now able to skip count by 2's all the way through to 11's. If that wasn't impressive enough, they can also skip count from all different starting points e.g. skip count by 5's starting at 237! The last week of term we will be looking at money, making links between money and what we have been learning about decimals.
Outdoor Number Lines
In Inquiry we have looked at health and what it means to be healthy. We have investigated different types of health and discussed choices we make each day that have an impact, both positive and negative, on our overall health. The students finished the unit by completing a health project. They worked in pairs to investigate a current health concern. They gathered all the information and put together a PowerPoint presentation that they presented to the grade. The projects were very impressive. They were designed well, included relevant information and were presented in a way that showed great understanding of the topics.