Principals Team Report
"Achieving Excellence Together."
Principals Team Report
"Achieving Excellence Together."
Term 1 has seen a range of activities, programs and school improvements that, as outlined in our school mission statement, encourages a community of learners who are high achieving andsocially and emotionally intelligent that we would like to highlight and celebrate:
We held a meet the teacher session at the start of the year. This was a great opportunity to meet your child's teacher and share the great things about them. We value strong home school partnerships and encourage all our families to partner with us as we nurture the hearts and minds of our students. We would like to thank all our teachers for their continued work in building strong relationships with our school community and our parents who attended. The classroom teacher is the first point of call for all our students and parents. Having these formal opportunities to get together is a great way to build strong trusting relationships.
Mr. Smith has organised both a girl's and before school cricket program that encourages our students to be active. Staying physically active is important for overall health and wellbeing and helps clear the mind for learning. This great program was provided by Cricket Australia, and we thank Mr. Smith for organising this for our students.
This term we have partnered with Royal Children's Hospotal through the CASEA program. The program has provided professional development seminars for all teachers and school staff, classroom behaviour activities as well as group programs for selected children and parents. This program is run by psychologists from the Royal Childrens Hospital and aims to promote prosocial behaviour, positive self-esteem, social skills, problem solving skills and assertiveness. We are super excited to continue working with the CASEA team in Term 2.
A BIG shout out to all our grade 3 and 5 students who did an amazing job with NAPLAN. We had an outstanding 95% participation rate with 440 tests submitted. Thank you to all our grade 3 and 5 teachers for your support and contribution to the administration of these online tests. The results of these tests are analysed and used to guide the direction of teaching and learning goals for the school.
Harmony Week is an important week for our school as we get to celebrate the diversity of our community. On Friday 24th March we kicked off the day with a walk to school and toasties for breakfast. All year levels participated in Harmony Day activities and the whole school got together in the big gym for lunch. Thank you to all the families who joined us in these activities to make Harmony Week such a huge success.
Through Colour Run fundraising and active school grants we were able to finally install our junior basketball court. It has been extremely popular and looking forward to seeing what the future fundraising will produce as we look at raising money to replace the grade 5/6 playground area.
As part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework our school has focused on promoting positive behavours through Roxy Rewards and the introduction of our emotional regulation curriculum by identifying 6 core emotions and how to control and express them.
Despite the efforts made to reduce problematic behaviours that are not aligned to our school values of respect and cooperation, the school is still seeing a high number of incidences during lunch, recess and after school.
Our social and emotional learning program delivered at Roxburgh Park Primary school focuses on addressing the social and emotional wellbeing of all students. Underpinned by an ethos of care and respect for all, we aim to build the capacity of the school community to support each student to grow, develop and engage in meaningful and successful learning. This is outlined in our school mission statement that:
Roxburgh Park Primary School is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive and engaging learning environment that encourages a community of learners who are high achieving and socially and emotionally intelligent.
The school will focus on expectations through our school values with a zero tolerance response to the following behaviors:
A breach of these expectations will involve a conversation with a member of the leadership team and time spent in the reflection room. For serious breaches suspensions will be issued and recorded.
It is VITAL that all members of our school community embrace positive, authentic relationships, demonstrating mutual respect and we trust parents will support the school's efforts in ensuring we provide a safe, respectful, cooperative environment for all students to thrive and learn.
Student Dress code:
The Student Dress Code aims to:
Read full Policy on our school website: Student dress code.
The policy can also be found in the student diaries.
Outlines the school's Curriculum Framework and Delivery and Assessment and Reporting.
Read full policy on our school website: Curriculum Statement Policy
A final thank you to all parents and families who have connected with staff across the term. We look forward to your continued partnership next term.
Feel free to call the school or email to connect with the principal team directly: