Performing Arts

On Wednesday the 1st of March, the Year 11 and 12 VCE Drama classes gathered at the Malthouse Theatre to watch a play titled “Nosferatu”. Intrigued by the concept of modern-day Australian vampires, we walked into the theatre unsure of what to expect. This new play, directed by Bridget Balodis, delves into the presence of environmental degradation, capitalism and elitism in modern Australia, all through an amusing, campy vampiric metaphor.
“Nosferatu” was adapted from the classic 1922 silent, German, expressionist film by the same name, itself a loose, unauthorised adaptation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. The story has shifted to present-day Bluewater, a fictional former mining town in Tasmania on the brink of erasure due to the environment and community suffering.
Enter Orlok, a mysterious aristocrat/entrepreneur who brings old wealth, wild ideas and a belief in the potential of this town and its people. This adaptation speaks to the allure of big money and its power to make us overlook the ills in front of our eyes. Our class giggled and gasped as we discovered the twists and turns of how this small, Tasmanian town tried to save itself from its inevitable demise, letting in the one creature who could either save or ruin it all. “Nosferatu” had us all on the edge of our seats. Overall, we loved “Nosferatu” so much some of us even went to see it again! We all can’t wait to see what VCAA has in store for us next.
- Paris Vagias and Eve Wheeler
Pedal Power Cinema
Thank you to the following musicians who performed at our Pedal Power Cinema on Friday, 24th February:
Grace McLaughlin, Gen Chia & Audrey Ahmed
Freya Swannel & Eli Rampano-Kelly
Leanne Leong
Indi Lewis
Audrey Ahmed
Sasha Bellsmith
Ruby Scott
Issy Edmondson
Mr Sturgess
Mr Turner
Ms Scurrah
Ms Robertson
Former ParentPeter Vadiveloo
A huge thank you to Andy Clarke and our rock bands:
Junior Rock Band: Ananya Baskin, Xanthe Bowden, Rosie Gerner, Tilly Higgins, Indi Lewi, Sophie Nisiforou, Dom Spataro & Addy Webber
Senior Rock Band: Audrey Ahmed, Gen Chia, Emily Cormack, Elsie Falkiner, Cherry Goa, Juliette Haslem, Grace McLaughlin, Katherine Tanudjaja & Nandini Vyas
Lastly, thank you to Bea James for organising the acts and to Leanne Leong for being our MC for the evening and to everyone who helped set up and pack up.
VCE Dance Top Class Excursion
On Tuesday the 7th of March the VCE dance students were lucky enough to attend the 2023 Top Class Dance performance. Top class is a curation of the highest scoring 2022 VCE solos, by watching this performance we gained inspiration and higher knowledge on how these dancers attained their high scores. One of these great dancers was MGC's very own Raphi Bevernage! Raphi performed her Unit 4 Cohesive Composition solo Liquefy. She performed beautifully, representing MGC and VCE dance extremely well. Congratulations on your achievement Raphi!
Lola Freeman – Dance Captain