Illnesses around the College

What an end to the week it was last week. Thursday evening saw several students showing signs of gastro. Staff arranged to have some of the affected students taken home and we thank our parents for being very helpful and understanding during this time.


This however was just the start of something far bigger with the numbers of affected students increasing rapidly overnight. By early Friday there were many more students unwell. 


I must take the opportunity to thank Grace and her team for going above and beyond in dealing with the mess that was in and around the dorms. They are an amazing group of ladies who just get in and get things done and a real credit to the organisation.


The kitchen and office staff were all very accommodating through the day on Friday and all played big parts in making the students feel comfortable and assisting with departure processes.


Mr Stewart was busy liaising with the Health Department throughout the day, as well as parents.


Unfortunately, many of the plans for the weekend were put on hold due to the sudden departure of a lot of students, as well as the nature of the situation we were dealing with.


Weekend Activities

Very early Saturday these students who were competing at Wagin Woolarama and others who chose to go over as supporters, headed off on the coach with Mr Watt and Mr Rice. It was an enjoyable though long day and many were very tired when they returned.


Saturday saw Mr Jones' and the boys basketball team play a really good game in the Grand Final and they came out winners on the day. It was great to see lots of support from parents and staff down at the rec centre.

Sunday was a bit of a casual day with many choosing to catch up on some rest and relaxation.


Sewing Class

Tuesday evening Nat Wellington ran a sewing session and was impressed with the male students involved who all were very engaging and did an amazing job. Well done guys.  It makes it so much easier for staff when you get involved and have a go.  These are all great lessons in life that you will call on some day and remember where you actually learnt to sew a button back on.

PARTY Program

Today we took around 20 Year 11 students down to Bunbury to participate in the PARTY Program. The acronym stands for The Prevention of Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth.


Paramedics, Doctors, and nursing staff speak to students about what they deal with on a daily basis. They toured I.C.U with all the bells and whistles and also go through the rehabilitation ward where it is explained to them what people go through when recovering from a such an injury. A guest speaker then talked to them about living with an acquired injury, explaining how it affects them on a daily basis and the process to recovery they have endured.


It is without doubt the best program of its type that I have ever seen.