Learning in MEDIA ARTS

Media Arts is sharing the learning taking place in class…

We have had a great start in Media arts for 2023!  We can’t believe what we have been able to cover in each year level in 10 hours of learning per class.



We have had fun getting to know the Prep students and exploring storytelling through Fairy Tales, looking at “Good” and “Bad” characters, changing story outcomes, and identifying key points in the story (ready for scriptwriting in later years).  We learned about working together as a crew and had fun acting out parts of the story (ready for being in front of the camera).


In Year One, students have explored the science and power of sound in Media through soundscapes and soundtracks.  We have discovered that the emotions of a story can be changed depending on the music used in a scene and that the soundtrack has to match the visuals being shown.



Year Two students explored the art of recording sound, learning about Foley Art.  Students used various objects to mimic sounds in their environment, adding sound effects or creating soundscapes for a story or image.  Students learned how important sound is for filming and the protocols needed in a recording studio when recording sound.



Year Three has been investigating Australia’s Indigenous culture and how media is used to represent their culture.  Students looked at the importance of recording language, songs, and cultural knowledge to retain our First Nations history.  Students also explored how First Nations Communities are using media themselves in helping their own communities share their knowledge, create a sense of belonging and celebrate their achievements.  Year Three students then looked at their own Pakenham Springs Community and created portraits of their friends.


Year Four students have been exploring Forced Perspective in photography.  Students applied their knowledge of composition and framing, using the rule of thirds, symmetry, angles, proportion, rotation and position, manipulating the audience’s point of view. Students were encouraged to take their time in planning and setting up a shot and reviewing which photos to keep or delete. 


Year Five students have been involved in learning about storyboarding and the use of different shot types in film to help visually communicate to an audience.  Students are preparing for filming in Terms 2 and 3 for Springfest.  They looked at planning a visual representation of their story, exploring character placement and movement, shot types and their purpose, and camera movement. 


Year Six have been reviewing and recapping lessons learned throughout their time in Media Arts to prepare them for their Springfest projects, where they will choose an aspect of Media Arts to create a piece of work.  Students will choose from a range of methods such as filmmaking, animation, photography, sound design or print media and will spend time in Terms 2 and 3 planning and creating their work.  We are looking forward to some amazing results.

We are very excited to be working towards celebrating Springfest this year and look forward to sharing all the wonderful things happening in the specialist areas at Pakenham Springs.


Mrs Priestley & Mr Rook

Media Arts Teachers