Principal Team's Report

Kerryn Baillie, Jane King and Renee Cotterell

Another big fortnight of fun for our Springers!

We are so proud to be able to offer our students such a wide variety of engaging, exciting and enriching experiences to really add value to the classroom learning programs. 

Last week we saw our Year 6 students venture to the City for our first-ever Urban camp. They saw the sights of Melbourne, by day, by night, by tram, by boat, in the sky, on the ice, and certainly by foot!  Walking over 50,000 steps in the 3 days, there were many tired feet at the end - but what a resilient bunch of students (and staff!) we had.  Their behaviour was exemplary and we could not be more proud of the way they represented PSPS in the wider community.  We thank our staff for giving up their family time to help provide this experience for our students.

Preps celebrate the unsung heroes in our community.

With visitors from all different branches of the Emergency Services, our Prep students investigated the roles of our community helpers last Wednesday.  While squirting the fire hose was a definite favourite, our youngest students really engaged with these community helpers and learned a lot about how they help us, and how we can access their help.  Again, we are so proud of the way our students showed the Values of PSPS when hosting visitors to our school.



As this newsletter goes live, our Year 3 students will have completed their NAPLAN assessments for 2023, and our Year 5 students will be in the middle of finishing theirs. NAPLAN provides a 'point in time' view of where each student sits in comparison to their peers across Victoria in areas of Literacy and Numeracy.  While we encourage all of our students to strive for their best during these assessments, we also acknowledge that this is one piece of academic data.  It does not measure effort, resilience, kindness, responsibility, persistence, and other important habits that are crucial to lifelong learning. When results come out later in the year, we encourage all families to celebrate the achievements and efforts of their children. 

School Photo Day is coming up!

Shine the shoes, book the haircuts... 

This year our School Photos will be held on Tuesday, April 4th.  


Information has been distributed to families and photos will be available to order online from now on.  


A reminder that sibling photos MUST be ordered prior to 8.00am on the day of our photos, otherwise they will not be taken.  All students are expected to be in full school uniform on this day.


We hope you are excited about our BOOK FAIR visit, which began on Thursday, March 16th. Below are the purchasing times and dates for parents to come and visit. 


Students will have the opportunity to browse and fill out wish lists (but no purchasing) during school hours over the course of the fair.



Thursday 16th MARCH

8.15 am to 8.45 am AND 3.15 pm to 4.00 pm

Friday 17th MARCH

8.15 am to 8.45 am AND 3.15 pm to 4.00 pm



Monday 20th MARCH 

8.15 am to 8.45 am AND 3.15 pm to 4.00 pm

Tuesday 21st MARCH

8.15 am to 8.45 am AND 3.15 pm to 4.00 pm

Wednesday 22nd MARCH 

8.15 am to 8.45 am AND 3.15 pm to 5.00 pm 


We are so excited to see our school community come together to support Book Fair and our own library, with a goal of raising $4000 over the course of the fair!  Please direct any queries to your child’s classroom teacher, and we hope to see you there!


Our Year 5 & 6 students have been participating in Interschool Sports games, both home and away this term.  Their sportsmanship has been excellent and in fact, commented on by staff at other schools.  It certainly makes you feel proud to be receiving such positive feedback about our students. Well done to our Senior School students for being excellent role models for our school and for our younger students.

Don't forget your hat!

We encourage all parents to have a chat with your child/ren about wearing our uniform with pride.  A reminder that hair colour should be 'natural' and jewellery should be minimal under our dress code policy.  A SunSmart (broad-brimmed or legionnaire style) hat is mandatory for all students during Term 1 and Term 4.  Students without a hat will be directed to sit in an undercover area during break times.


We are very much looking forward to a busy and productive fortnight ahead, take care.


The PSPS Leadership Team