From the Management Team

What If?

What if we were bold? What if we were brave? What if we developed the skills in students for them to be authentic agents of their own learning now and for the rest of their lives? What if we re-thought how students accessed the curriculum so that every student could and did engage fully in learning and growing? What if curriculum included how to effectively collaborate, how to resolve issues peacefully, how to take action and make a difference to the challenges facing our global community as well as our local one? What if instead of assessing knowledge `learned' we gave opportunity for this knowledge to be applied in real world instances and students assess themselves and plan for their next level of development? What if we assessed growth in learning and students felt challenged and inspired to continue their own growth? What if assessment was not A-E grades? What if school was not six lessons a day from 8.40am - 3.15pm? What if there were no bells and no lessons based timetables?


As a society, we know the world is changing rapidly. Less than a decade ago we were hearing about the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the New Work Order and how the employment landscape for young people was changing such that people would have multiple types of employment at once, with 17 jobs across 5 careers 1 all with a high degree of flexibility. When we look around today what seemed science fiction then is something we can now reach out and virtually touch (pun intended). When I hear speakers from industry, trades and small business speaking about what they are looking for in graduates whether from tertiary or secondary settings the narrative is the same. They are looking for young people who can work collaboratively and inclusively, who inspire themselves and others to be better, who can be autonomous learners and workers, who are committed to adding value to the organisation, growing as a person who can persevere and think both critically and creatively to ethically solve problems with integrity. Yes, they also want people with the knowledge and skills to be able to do the particular work... but those people are perhaps easier to find.


I admit I have been intentionally provocative, but perhaps I have not been as provocative as I think. There is much work being done in schools around the country and in our own College to investigate ways of doing education differently. This work looks at how all students can combine their learning from work, home and school, it looks at how students can learn and practice the characteristics of the College's Vision for Learners, what we need to do to provide space and agency in learning and how students could show their learning in ways that do not rely on grades and then culminate after six years in an ATAR. The ATAR is a tool to rank students for a moment in time for a very narrow purpose. It is not the measure of a person's worth or value. Its function is quickly becoming redundant as tertiary institutions increasingly give course offers based on subjects studied, the STAT test, TAFE/VET certification, in recent years Year 11 grades, and very soon a Learner Profile.

These are exciting times! As we continue this work, the focus is as always, on how can we better serve students. How can we better serve students now as well as into the future. What is most exciting is that the students who will grow to encompass the graduate qualities mentioned earlier are sitting, standing and reclining in our school right now. They are walking through the mall, going to their locker, sitting in your car, taking part in Athletics Day, playing in the band, sharing in chapel, eating at your dinner table, hanging out with friends and leading on the Student Action Team and as Village Leaders. How great is our opportunity and how even greater is our responsibility! 

This responsibility rests with us, the College and families together. 

Let's be bold. Let's be brave.


Sandra Barry

Director of Learning 


1 Foundation for Young Australians (2017), The New Work Order,


"Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise. You know the teachings I gave you, and you know what you heard me say and saw me do. So, follow my example. And God, who gives peace, will be with you." Philippians 4: 8-9