School Activities

Physical Education Foundation to Year 7, Semester 2 Overview

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 


Term four is now upon us and even though it’s a short one it’s definitely the busiest and will be finished before we know it!! Last term saw my first F-2 fun day and 3-7 sports day which were ran a little different to previous years. We were lucky enough to score the best day of the week with everything running smoothly and overall it was a huge success. A big thank you to everyone that helped in supporting the day, without you the running of such a big event would not be possible. 


From our results of the 3-7 sports day we nominated our district team to compete in the SAPSASA Airport & Western Districts Athletics Day. Unfortunately, we were not so lucky with the weather and despite the rain and wind Grange won bringing home the cup for a second year running. From this we had 23 students nominated for the state SAPSASA competition held at Santos stadium allowing students to experience competition at its highest level. Well done all who were involved.


In our younger year levels, we have been building on the skills developed in Semester one. Students have become more confident in these areas that require good hand eye and foot eye coordination. Our F/1 classes are now starting to put these skills into game-based activities requiring them to work in teams and follow structured games that require students to follow rules. The year two classes have also been building on these skills but have looked closely at Basketball, AFL, Volleyball and Cricket. 


In our middle classes we have been working through and breaking down the skills needed for Football, Athletics, Volleyball and Cricket. Students have been learning the correct way to play each of these sports while developing different strategies to be more competitive. We have continued to value and respect one another in and out of PE making sure that we focus on being a good sport over winning a game. Year 4 students will be looking at their personal fitness again in regards to their height, wing span, grip test, leap test and 2m shuttle run, we will then look at the growth from this test in Term 1.


Our upper primary classes have also been working through Football, Athletics, Volleyball and Cricket. Students have been breaking down each sport and analysing different strategies to improve the outcome of a game. Students have really taken on the level system well with students helping out and working with fellow classmates in areas they are finding difficult. We will also be looking at their personal fitness as mentioned above with the year 4 groups. 


To our year 7 students, it’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you and teaching PE to you for such a short time. I wish you all the best in 2019 and in the next chapter of your lives. Hopefully I will see you around the place once you have graduated from Grange Primary.


If you have any questions or queries and would like to catch up and find out more please feel free to see me at school. If I don’t see you have a fantastic Christmas break and I look forward to seeing you all in 2019. 


Kind regards,

Wade Ball 

Loose Parts Play

Engineering, Maths, problem solving and having fun in the Quad at lunch times

Room 6 Maths, Health and Environment Learning

There has been a change in lunchboxes in Room 6 all in the call for caring for our environment and aiming to reduce landfill.  In line with our maths learning, we have been collecting and recording our lunchbox data and realised the number of landfill was too high so have worked diligently to minimise rubbish.  What a change it has been going from 63 pieces down to 23 in one week.  A great effort by families and children working towards change!   Along with this we have looked a little bit at ingredients in our food and questioned what do the numbers on the back of packets actually stand for?  From this we have discussed food ideas and have a few healthy snack recipes kindly shared with some families we would like to share with you.


Healthy Easy Peasy Date Balls

1 cup dried dates

1 cup dessicated coconut

Extra coconut to roll


Soak dates in boiling water for 10 minutes until soft.

Drain and place into a food processor with coconut.

Blend until well combined and sticks together.

Firmly roll 1 teaspoon of mixture into a ball.

Roll into extra coconut and place into fridge. 

They keep for approx. 1 week or freeze for up to 3 months.


Choc Chip Banana Bread

2 small ripe bananas

100g butter, melted

2 cups wholemeal SR Flour

1 ½ tsp baking powder

½ cup coconut sugar

2 eggs

 ½ cup dark choc chips


Preheat oven to 180° C.

Mash banana into a large bowl then add flour, baking powder and coconut sugar and mix until combined.

Add eggs and melted butter and mix into the batter.

Next add choc chips and fold in.

Pour batter into a loaf tin then bake for 40-50 minutes until skewer comes out clean.

Slice and store in the fridge


Thanks Katie Nash for these recipe ideas.


Although the Wakakirri performance was in Term 3, we wish to congratulate those students who participated and recognise their achievements by listing all the awards won on behalf of the school.

Grange Primary School won:

  • Best Creative use of the Signature Item Award
  • Best Raising Awareness Story Award
  • Performance and Production Awards

The panel's comment included this statement,

"An entertaining performance and clever theme delivered fantastically."


Once again, congratulations to all students involved and to the parents who supported their children in the process.

Genius Hour - Rooms 32 and 33

Year 6 students in Rooms 32 and 33 are currently preparing for an Expo in Week 6 to showcase their products. Each student has identified a passion where they wish to learn skills or information in order to complete a finished product to showcase their learning. Examples include:

  • Cake Decorating
  • Henna Tattoos
  • Dress Making
  • Dinner Parties
  • Constructing a bike trailer, bedside table, dog kennel
  • Making Dog Treats
  • Quilt Making

Students at Grange will be able to view the Expo on Tuesday 20th November in Witungga Hall and parents and family will be invited to view the Expo that evening.

Rememberance Day Assembly

Please enjoy some photos from our Rememberance Day Assembly held on Friday 9th November. Thank you to Anne-Marie for organising and to everyone who attended to show their respect.