
Fossil Expo

Have you ever been intrigued by fossils and the fact that we have them on our doorstep in Bayside?

Would you like to meet the experts?  Do you have fossils you would like identified?

This year’s Fossil Expo and could be the event for you!

A community Fossil Expo will be run the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron on Saturday 14th September from 10am to 2.30pm.   It will be hosted by Bayside Earth Sciences Society & Marine Education Science and Community Centre and will feature some of the experts who have been researching and discovering our local fossils in Beaumaris Bay.  The event is a gold coin donation and it is requested that you book online to assist with logistics: www.trybooking.com/BEQCK.


In addition to this community event our College will also be hosting a session on ‘The Fossils of Beaumaris’ as part of our Marine Ambassadors program during semester 2.  We are hopeful that we will be able to secure some times where students will be able to learn about the amazing fossil discoveries in Beaumaris Bay from some of these experts such as Prof John Buckeridge and Ben Francischelli (Museums Victoria).


If you are interested in the fossils of Bayside you might also like to follow the work of Ben Francischelli (Museums Victoria) on social media – The Lost World of Bayside Fossils.  His Instagram and Facebook posts are a great way to keep up to date with the local fossil discoveries.

