Assistant Principal Report

VCE Study Sessions

During the school holidays there will be a number of opportunities for our students studying unit 3/4 subjects to undertake supervised study sessions and revision lectures.

Term 3 break is a fantastic opportunity to prepare for exams and should be seen as study break and not a holiday for our VCE students. Make the most of the opportunities provided by your teachers and other revision lectures, the focus will very quickly turn to exams and the best way to succeed is through excellent preparation. Don’t look back in three years and say “What if……” The rest of your life starts today, and in the next two months you can go a long way in setting yourself up for sustained success.

Top tips for study:

  1. Have a designated area free from distraction, this means phones, music (you don’t listen to music in exams), and people.
  2. Study at the same time as the exam is, this simulation will help to prepare you for the exam.
  3. Study smarter, not harder. 30 minutes of designated time is far more effective than 2 hours with Netflix on in the background and checking Instagram every 5 minutes.
  4. Make sure you stay hydrated, have maintained a well-balanced diet and are getting regular exercise. All of these factors contribute to increased brain function.
  5. Sleep – Regular sleep patterns have a significant impact on concentration, retention of information and processing. Sleep is your best friend.

Arts Cup 2020      

The final day of term is fast approaching; we value each and every learning opportunity and are prioritising attendance on this day. Timetables classes will be running as normal, with important learning activities taking place.

The end of the day will be the Arts Cup, this is a great opportunity to celebrate some of the talents our students possess. This event will finish at 2:30, at which point students will be dismissed from school for the term.

We wish all our families a restful, nourishing break. Enjoy the sunshine, the growing grass and Go LIONS!!


Gault McCluggage

Acting Assistant Principal