MUNA 2018

Model United Nations Assembly

On the weekend of  May 5th & 6th April Stanley and Amber Winthrop both from Year 11 represented Healesville High School at MUNA, which was held in the magnificent Legislative Assembly Chamber of the Victorian Parliament House.

This year there were 76 students ( 38 teams) representing 38 countries. Students came from a variety of schools – private and state from all over Melbourne. April and Amber were assigned the job of representing Iran. This required them to undertake extensive research on the culture, religion, trade and other relevant issues. April and Amber were wonderful ambassadors for Healesville High School.

Thanks girls. 

I also would like to thank Mr Coady and Mr Fisher for assisting April and Amber.

Students debated a number of resolutions which required them to speak on the floor of Parliament House and then votes were cast to see if the resolutions were passed.

This was a wonderful experience for our students and I would like to thank the Rotary Club of Healesville for sponsoring this program.

April and Amber also attired themselves in clothing that closely resembled that worn in Iran.

Thank-you to Mrs Khana for providing the clothing.


Lyn Scotchmoor

Student Wellbeing