Specialist Program

Food Technology- Jane Stacey
This Term, students have chosen a variety of dishes to prepare. Some of the popular dishes chosen include fritters and savoury pancakes, homemade hamburgers, calamari and arancini. Students have worked very hard and are already improving their skills in the kitchen. I am enjoying seeing the students trying new foods and being creative with the way they are preparing their dishes.
Physical Education – Hayley Northridge
The emphasis for Secondary 9/10 and 11/12 has been basketball and cricket. The students have worked hard on their sportsmanship and good team work. They have also transferred their own individual abilities into game situations.
Outdoor Education – Donna Thomas
During our bushwalking program in Term One, students had to follow a different walking tracks with a range of difficulty at each track. Various students would lead the class each week demonstrating leadership and team work skills. Students were also required to use appropriate equipment and suitable clothing for a bushwalk of moderate complexity.
Science – Sam Hutson
This term Secondary 9/10 students in the Science Elective ‘Becoming a Scientist’, have experienced a taster program focusing on the different science disciplines and concepts including; Famous Inventors and Innovation, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, STEAM and Psychology. During each session, students have participated in hands on experiments and activities linked to these topics. These activities have included; designing an invention, Erupting Lemon, Micro Powerhouse, using light microscopes, Reaction Time experiment, making Popsicle Catapults, Lego Maze Coding, The Stroop Effect and the Marshmallow Experiment. Students particularly enjoyed making and using their catapults to launch marshmallows and pom poms around the room.
Music- Justin Hall
Students have been developing all instrumental skills and music theory through band related tasks this term. Each class has selected their own song(s) to work on and have divided themselves among the instruments to form a band and rehearse their song with their classmates.
Horticulture- Isobel Baynes
Through the Gardens and Grounds Maintenance Program at Concord School, Year 9 and 10 students are increasing their practical knowledge of horticulture in and around the garden. All students have worked hard at pruning ornamental pear trees, transplanting native lilies, leaf and debris collection, lawn-mowing, garden design and learning how to safely use a mattock to scalp an area ready for building vegetable beds in. The students have been applying their practical knowledge into a written Work-Placement Portfolio, showcasing their abilities and transferable skills. We are excited to move forward in the design and construction of a secret garden complete with raised vegetable beds, decorative arches and an intimate seating area!
Digital Technology- Jess Mitchell
In the ‘Make Your Own Game’ unit, 9/10 students have been creating games using the Hopscotch app. They have learned how to use visual code to make characters appear and disappear, to be controlled with arrow keys and to move around at different speeds. Students made their own versions of the game ‘Crossy Road’ (very much like the old game, Frogger!) and learned how to code a background picture. Next, they will be designing their own game and doing more learning with Minecraft Education. A great start to the semester!
Jane Stacey
Learning Specialist