Secondary 9/10

Highlights and Achievements for Term 1
The students and staff of Secondary 9/10are to be commended for their resilience this term.
As a section we started the term without all our classrooms completed. The team pulled together and shared not only our physical classrooms, but resources and expertise as we welcomed new teachers to the school and a few new student faces as well. Our classrooms now look amazing and the students have settled in very well.
Literacy this term in Secondary 9/10 has explored entertaining text types, with PreCAL focusing on narratives and our mixed ability classroom focusing on narratives and scripts. PreCAL also touched on recounting using their experience days as their focus. As part of our start up program the mixed ability classes composed their own autobiographies and shared these with their class mates. It was great to get to know each other through reflecting on our life.
Numeracy across the section has focused on addition and subtraction and place value, with time and data as our minor foci. Where we can, we have continued to connect our learning to the real world, with many birthday charts being created in data for PreCAL as well as finding students likes and dislikes. Our students have worked from their point of need with strategies in number, these were identified in our start up programs.
Both Integrated Units have had great starts. The mixed ability team have been investigating the Immigration to Australia and what these unique cultures have bought to Australia. PreCAL have been identifying safety in the community, focusing on the ways that we can move within our community in a safe manner, and how we can keep others safe too.
STEAM has had a roaring start! Mixed ability have moved through one rotation with two rotations planned for next term. Students have participated in catapult making, kitchen science, mixed media, bird house making, stop motion animation and drag racer. The PreCAL students have designed and made board games and worked through series of small science experiments.
Fit for Life continues to be a highlight with students working together to get active. Our Interschool Sport team has represented us well in the sporting arena walking away with a few wins from the cricket pitch.
Thank you for your continued support. This term has certainly been memorable and one that we could not have enjoyed as much without all you.
Jane Black
Acting Team Leader