In Memoriam

Vale Caitlin Wainrib
24 January 1989 – 11 February 2020
It is with deep sadness we advise that Kilvonian, Caitlin Wainrib, Class of 2006 passed away unexpectedly on 11 February 2020.
A past classmate remembers Caitlin as, ‘making a big impact on Kilvington's teachers and students. She was a bright young girl, always energetic, bubbly, eager to help and participate wherever possible.’
Caitlin made a great contribution to her profession, taking dental care to those who could not otherwise access it. The Australian Dental & Oral Health Therapists' Association honoured her work and contribution to the industry.
Having achieved her childhood dream of getting her pilots licence, Caitlin gave back to the community by working at public dental clinics, flying to deliver supplies for bushfire affected areas and assisting forensic teams in Christchurch to help with identifying victims after the earthquake tragedy. An expert witness for the Royal Commission into Aged Care and a valued academic at Melbourne University, Caitlin achieved so much and had a positive effect on so many.
Words that her friends and family use to describe Caitlin are: brightest, happiest, joyful, optimistic, loyal, caring, generous, giving, achiever and magical.
We remember Caitlin as truly living the School’s Motto: ‘Non nobis sed omnibus’, ‘Not for our own, but others’ good.’ and extend our deepest sympathy to her parents Caroline and Glenn, brother Stephen, and family and friends.