Current Highlights

Photo: Sam Clark, Class of 2020

Embracing Remote Learning

The Kilvington Klefs Virtual Choir.
The Kilvington Klefs Virtual Choir.

Kilvington's operating model rapidly evolved this year due to COVID-19 and the need to take the classroom into the home. By all accounts it was a most successful transition and we are very proud of the way our entire community rose to the challenge.


While some predicted the effect COVID-19 would have on our everyday lives; adjusting to remote learning, working from home and physical distancing has still required a steep learning curve for us all. 


As we welcome our students back to the classrooms, it offers us an opportunity to reflect on where we started with this remote learning journey, and what we’ve been able to accomplish across this time.

Global Politics Incursion.
Global Politics Incursion.

The decision to move to remote learning did not happen overnight; it was planned and considered. With just one trial day, and one planning day to prepare us for the shift from face-to-face teaching to learning from home. The dedication of our teaching and support staff truly came to the fore as we transitioned online. 


Kilvington teachers are well practiced at collaboration, but in the face of this pandemic, the sharing of resources, knowledge and ideas has been exceptional. Regular remote and face-to-face professional learning sessions were held, and staff were tireless in their commitment to preparing rich learning programs and ways to maintain the care and wellbeing of our students.


Both at School and at home, students were already used to an online environment using KCEE, our Learning Management System, and various other programs, but they have shown amazing coping flexibility, and have developed effective context-specific strategies in their learning and personal lives with the help of teachers, mentors and parents. 


As is the case in the classroom, approaches to remote learning vary widely, and teachers have implemented different approaches to suit different types of content and students. 

The Kilvington Krooners
The Kilvington Krooners

Across these weeks, students have also experienced live events: online chapel services; year level meetings; School and House Assemblies; School-wide quizzes and fitness challenges; remote counselling offered by our Psychologists; remote career planning with our Careers Advisor; regular Mentor-student check-ins; and Mentor Group sessions involving an exciting and creative array of both student and Mentor-led activities.


Kilvington has always been at the forefront for the digital age, being one of the first schools in Victoria to introduce laptop computers in 1994. 


Below are some interesting statistics around the remote learning period.


Teams Remote Learning / Working Statistics

  • 17,828 - Meetings Organised
  • 59,033  - Chat Messages
  • 10,597 - Group Calls
  • 4,234,316 - Audio Time (Minutes)
  • 130,952 - Meetings Participated
  • 14,336 - Post Messages
  • 6,246 - 1:1 Calls
  • 392 - Teams
  • 202,599 - Channel Messages
  • 4,039,003 - Video Time (Minutes)

It's wonderful to now have all of our students back on campus and enjoying face-to-face learning once again. We are incredibly proud of the way both staff and students rose to the challenge and embraced the remote learning experience.

New ELC Playground

ELC New Playground Opening
ELC New Playground Opening

Our ELC staff and students are very excited to be outside and enjoying the recently renovated playground.

At the Kilvington ELC, our focus is on developing children to become independent thinkers. Our students learn how to solve problems, reflect creatively and communicate effectively and confidently within a nurturing, safe and inspiring learning environment.


You can see more about our ELC in this video:

STEAM at Kilvington

“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein


STEAM encompasses Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. STEAM develops students’ skills beyond the traditional Science, Technology, Art and Mathematics curricula. They apply their skills from these lessons to complete transdisciplinary projects, solving real-world problems. These projects not only enrich the acquisition of STEAM skills, but develops core capabilities such as digital literacy, problem solving, communication, creativity and critical thinking.


Students from ELC to Year 12 have the opportunity to embrace STEAM as part of their learning journey at Kilvington. The K-STEAM program is structured as follows:


ELC – Year 4: STEAM is all Around Us

Years 5 – 6Creating STEAM

Years 10 – 12I STEAM ahead

Take a look at the video above to see more about STEAM at Kilvington.