Students Taking Action

Casper C (5A)

Casper Cullen (5A) has taken action over the holidays by creating a painting which is his interpretation of an endangered yabby, the Mallacoota Freshwater burrowing crayfish. Casper was motivated to raise money for the people and animals hurt by the bushfires in Gippsland and Victoria.


There is a silent auction during the month of February where people can post a bid with the highest bidder “winning” the painting. ALL of the money raised will be split evenly between the following charities to help the people and wildlife affected by the bushfires:  


Deaf Australia Bushfire Appeal 


Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria Welfare Fund 


Wildlife Rescue and Protection Incorporated (Gippsland)


If you are interested to bid, please contact Angus Ross for further information.


Well done Casper!

Child First - 'Be You' Day 

We are very grateful to everyone who supported Be You Day by bringing a gold coin donation. We raised $436 from our gold coin donations for Child First.  Child First helps struggling families build strong relationships that heal and protect young children from trauma and stress.