Middle School Report

Middle School News

The students have been very busy in the last two weeks. Most subject areas are finishing their final Learning Tasks for the Semester. This gives a very good idea overall on how the student may be going with the school work. Please discuss their results and how they can improve next semester.

I would also like to thank the many International students for inviting the Middle School Co-Ordinators and select students to a special lunch. A lot of time and effort went into all the marvelous food presented on the table. It was a very special gift.

Year 7 

The students have been very busy over the last few weeks training for their sport teams, to represent the school in the inter-school sports. Even though the weather was not great on the day of the event, especially for the outside sports, reports back were that the students did very well and supported each other. Even the staff displayed the best that they could be and resilience in the elements! Mr Ryan Joyce and Mr Ben Shepherd.

Curriculum Activities

The Year 7 student's in Ms Field's English class have been exploring Literature Circles. These include Reading STEM questions and collaboration. They are currently all working on a portfolio to showcase their knowledge and experiences in Literature Circles for CAT 3.


Year 8

Year 8 students this week have also been involved in their sporting teams. Here is an example of the Year 8 Soccer group, getting ready to prepare themselves for the competition.

Year 9

Two groups of the Year 9's had the opportunity to go to the Monash Tech School over three days. Please read the report on the STEM page for all the fantastic activities that were completed.




Next week the students will embark on their first exam experience on the Core subjects. I wish you all the best in this process as hopefully you have paced out your studying. Take it as a learning experience. If your child is experiencing pre-exam jitters, Dr Michael Carr Greg on School TV (Found on front page of Compass) explains ideas and what to do. Keep scrolling down the page to address any areas that your child may be displaying.


Lastly, I will be away for the last newsletter of the Term, so I wish all students and families a safe holiday.


Mrs Melissa Robinson

Middle School Leader