General News

Maths Help on Wednesdays (CRA)
Mark Sinclair
Romero House Leader & Senior Mathematics - Cranbourne Campus
Women in STEM
A number of weeks ago St. Peter’s College (Clyde North Campus) hosted an online event for close to 25 of our female students from 9-12 to listen to some of our leading female science researchers from the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne.
The program was kindly run online to a number of schools throughout Melbourne by their Head of Department Dr Ellen Menkhorst, a reproductive biologist and research fellow at the hospital. Ellen's research focuses on understanding how a healthy placenta forms during early pregnancy and developing new treatments to improve placental function in women at risk of developing pre-eclampsia. Other researchers included Dr Amanda Kwong who had an area of research into early detection and intervention for infants who are at high risk of cerebral palsy and/or movement difficulties.
Another researcher Pamela McCalman practices as a clinical midwife specialist at the Women's while completing her PhD, which focuses on the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who are having a baby in Victoria. Dr Elizabeth Baker is near the completion other specialist training as a neonatologist – a doctor who cares for new-born babies. Her research focuses on improving the outcomes for babies born prematurely. She is currently working on a novel study looking at the use of cell therapy to help vulnerable preterm babies breathe more easily.
The students were incredibly engaged, excited and inspired in knowing that there is a definite need in our world today for girls to enter advanced areas of science research.
B Barber
Science Coach -Clyde North Campus
Stay Safe and Stay Well.