Leading and Learning

Student Voice Matters

Student Leadership Training

Charlotte Sherlock

Year 12

SRC Area Representative - Media


The SRC Leadership Training day was a productive and exciting start to the projects coming this year.  


The day started out with an ice-breaker to get the ball rolling. The SRC then proceeded to set goals for itself and to create plans to achieve these things. With more ice-breakers scattered throughout the day, we began to separate into different project groups for students to go between. This meant that students had the agency to go to whichever projects they were most passionate about and to be part of meaningful discussions about these areas of school life. This was a great opportunity for students to gather together and create change in the school. 

Josh, Charlotte & Ryan
Vy, Maya & Alkia
Declan, Charlotte & Madeleine
Sienna & Ella
Nakkita A, Ryan W, Max F & Maya W
Josh, Charlotte & Ryan
Vy, Maya & Alkia
Declan, Charlotte & Madeleine
Sienna & Ella
Nakkita A, Ryan W, Max F & Maya W


At the end of the day, the SRC made pizzas for dinner, which was followed by a fun trivia competition, run by Tara Dennison, School Captain.

The day was completely student-led and student-organised, with supervision (and  great thanks!) to Ms Olah, Ms Easson and Ms Johnson.

The SRC has many plans to enact for future projects within the school and for its students, with more events like this to build up our teamworking abilities and therefore our ability to build more positive change in the school.


Lillah S
Charlotte S
Max, Lilah & Declan
Ryan, Alia, Josh & Declan
Madeleine H, Charlotte H, Eve J & Charlotte S
Maya W & Vy V
Angela O, Maya W & Vy V
Charlotte S, Otis T & Sienna S
Paul T
Charlotte S, Lilah S, Declan A, Eve
Lillah S
Charlotte S
Max, Lilah & Declan
Ryan, Alia, Josh & Declan
Madeleine H, Charlotte H, Eve J & Charlotte S
Maya W & Vy V
Angela O, Maya W & Vy V
Charlotte S, Otis T & Sienna S
Paul T
Charlotte S, Lilah S, Declan A, Eve